So, here are 100 simple ways to be healthy. Over time, you’ll find that these habits start to accumulate. Before you know it, you’ll wake up and discover that you’re leading the healthy, happy life you’ve been aiming for.
51. Drink your greens.
Starting your day with a green smoothie is a great way to get lots of vitamins into your system and give you the health boost you need.
52. Use your internet time wisely.
We all check our phone first thing in the morning to catch up on WhatsApp, emails and social media. Instead of staying in bed for those 10 minutes, check your phone while you walk on the spot. You can easily get in an extra 2 000 steps before you leave the house.
53. Buy some funky workout gear.
If you feel great in your workout clothes, you are more likely to want to wear them and work out in them. Many people avoid exercise because of how they think they might look while doing it.
54. Make sure you get downtime.
It is important to ensure that you schedule “me time” into your week. This allows you to destress, which is crucial to your productivity and health.
55. Don’t drink your calories.
Beware of fruit juice, soda, iced tea, store-bought smoothies or any beverage with added sugars. These drinks will quickly take you over the threshold of your recommended daily added-sugar intake.
56. Don’t buy unhealthy food. 
When we asked Paul Atkinson, chef at the Buddhist retreat in Ixopo, for his tips on how to buy healthy food, he said: “The grocery store is split up into sections – just don’t go to the processed food section.” If you don’t have it in the house, you are far less likely to eat it. Can processed, unhealthy foods be linked to auto-immune diseases? Click here to find out.
57. Get into the great healthy outdoors.
As easy as it can be to spend weekend after weekend indoors, getting outside for a few hours a week is great for your health. It’s important to soak up some vitamin D (safely, of course). Try going for a hike, or just sitting in the garden for an hour with a cup of tea. It’s good for your soul too. Click here to find out more about the benefits of being outside.
58. Put down your smartphone.
Studies show that we look at our phones an average of 85 times a day. When you feel the impulse to check your phone – and it’s not urgent – try to resist.
You might feel anxious initially, but once this passes, you will experience silence and freedom.
59. Get a good sports bra. 
The good quality ones might be a little pricier, but they are worth the investment. Having a good bra will eliminate a barrier to exercise and boost your confidence while training.
60. Add rotisserie chicken to your grocery list.
Buying a rotisserie chicken can be just as healthy as making your own – and it’s a lot quicker. (If it’s organic, even better.)
Want to know more? See numbers 41-50 here, 31-40 here, 21-30 here, 11-20 here, and 1-10 here.