Snacking all day, making constant trips to the fridge? Yeah, we totally get where you’re coming from. Just know that snacking throughout the day is perfectly normal. However, it’s all about what you’re snacking on and how well it fits into your healthy diet. Unlike popular diets, villainizing carbohydrates is not going to help us at all. Carbs are our main source of fuel and brainpower. This is why Hollywood actress Kristen Bell says her go-to snack is not what you might expect when she’s on set. Itβs a salt bagel with cream cheese.
Do you know why? Snacking on carbohydrates throughout the day will keep you mentally sharp. This is particularly important for this star because she has to remember long pages of dialogue. We’re not all Hollywood actresses, but we do all need to maintain a sharp memory in our daily lives. NBCβs star of ‘The Good Place’ and Disneyβs ‘Frozen 2’ is an example of somebody who doesn’t believe in restricting important food groups, which we are in support of too.
We think a lot of the confusion about good nutrition does set in because of the wide variety of diets available. The point is to figure out what makes your body feel its best. Snacking on protein, like chicken or spinach might not keep you feeling your best, which is pointless if you need a lot of energy. Although popular diets like the ketogenic diet are working for many people, carbohydrates are the bodyβs most readily-available source of energy and convert to glucose, the main source of fuel for your brain.
Snacking On Carbohydrates
Kristen Bell has been a vegetarian for many years and says that her diet does include protein and veggies. She states that she eats protein shakes made from plant-based protein sources like pea protein or hemp milk. Bell tells CNBC that for lunch she typically eats salads and will make a chickpea pasta dish for dinner. These are all ingredients that we would typically call trendy, however, Bell says she buys most of her food from Bell an affordable grocery chain, not a fancy one.
More importantly, Bell explains that she doesn’t restrict herself in any way and tries her best to find balance by snacking or eating consciously. She says that she’s able to have all the rewards and also maintain a healthy, steady diet. We should all aim to use this method. When you eat consciously or mindfully, you are not ruled by a diet. It’s a non-restrictive approach that encourages you to pay attention to and notice your food choices and habits without judgment.
Snacking On CBD Oil
Okay, so Bell doesn’t literally snack on CBD oil, however, she does state that she uses it regularly to help reduce stress and anxiety. According to CNBC, the actress says she has struggled with anxiety and depression since she was 18. Therefore, she takes a dropper of cannabidiol (CBD) oil on her tongue to help manage the anxiety. There are certain studies that show CBD to be effective for anxiety and even insomnia.
It doesn’t end there. Apparently, the celebrity also adds adaptogens to her smoothies every day. We explain what adaptogens are in this article. To sum up, they are herbal compounds that are supposed to work with or ‘adapt to’ your bodyβs stress response to reduce it. The issue is that there’s a very limited amount of scientific evidence to prove that adaptogens do combat the physiological effects of stress. Moreover, adaptogen supplements arenβt regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. However, there’s still good reason to use them in your daily routine because there’s a lot of anecdotal evidence to prove their effectiveness on your wellbeing.
Bell uses these holistic remedies but admits that she also uses antidepressants to help with ‘waves of serotonin imbalance.’ She also consistently receives therapy. So not only does she embrace snacking on carbohydrates (which we love), she also focuses on exercising regularly to improve her focus and physical strength. Apparently, sheΒ takes a Pilates-inspired workout class at the boutique gym Studio Metamorphosis three times a week. Bell says she feels so much more centered, patient and capable afterward. It sets her up for the next 48 hours.
Here’s Why Snacking On Carbs Is Good
Obviously, when we say this, we mean within moderation. However, we don’t think you should avoid snacking because it’s been associated with unhealthy eating or weight gain. Fitness experts explain that snacking is great and can help maximize your results. But snacking on carbohydrates is beneficial because carbs are our main source of energy and the only direct energy source for the brain. They come in different forms of sugars, starches, and fiber. Despite being made to appear as the villains, they’re an essential part of our diets. This is because carbs are macronutrients, meaning they are one of the three main ways the body obtains energy or calories. Macronutrients are essential for proper body functioning, and the body requires large amounts of them. All macronutrients must be obtained through diet; the body cannot produce macronutrients on its own. There are three macronutrients: carbohydrates, protein, and fats.
The kind of carbs you are snacking on is what matters. You need to be snacking on complex carbohydrates with a low glycaemic index. This will stabilize blood sugar levels and help to keep energy levels up throughout the day. These carbs are less processed and your body slowly absorbs them. Some examples of complex carbs are dairy, fruit, grains, legumes, and starchy vegetables.
When Should You Be Snacking?
The time you eat snacks will be different for everybody, but it all depends on how many meals you have. Generally, we recommend snacking in-between every meal to avoid overeating. This means if you eat three times a day, then you should have two snacks a day. It’s also good to drink lots of water throughout the day to quench your thirst. Often, we mistake hunger for dehydration.
Note that carbs are also high in fiber which helps prevent constipation and indigestion. Try snacking on broccoli, lentils, or eating rice in your meals.
Healthy Carbs For Snacking
The carbs listed below are healthy and nutritious for you to keep snacking.
- Vegetables like corn, peas, Brussels sprouts, sweet potato, and potatoes. Besides being healthy whole grains, they are also full of vitamin C and fiber.
- Fruits like bananas, strawberries, melons, blackberries, and raspberries.
- Wholegrain bread, rice, pasta, and rice cakes.
- Legumes include beans, chickpeas, and lentils.
Why Kristen Bell snacks on carbs rather than veggies and protein and uses CBD oil for stress. CNBC.
The Difference Between Intuitive Eating and Mindful Eating. The Original Intuitive Eating Pros.
Can CBD oil help anxiety? Medical News Today.
Why snacking on carbs is good for you. W24.