Lazy is definitely how most of us describe a person who chooses not to do any form of exercise whatsoever. Well, particularly if you’re a recreational athlete and coach like me. But, are these people lazy or just scared?
That’s a really important question. Over the past few years, America’s weight problem has been a really hot topic. It’s made the population question themselves as to why they’re so overweight. The obvious reason is that they don’t move their bodies at all.
Lazy Or Just Too Insecure About Exercising?
I can believe this, especially if you look at how much time they spend in a chair on a daily basis.
Many people describe the general population as lazy. However, I think this is probably an explanation that’s just a little too uninformed and easy. Many of these people who do not exercise are some of the most successful, hardest working, and dedicated people. It definitely doesn’t make sense to call them lazy.
Yet, laziness is exactly what many of them are calling themselves and I think this is where the issue is growing.
Can You Overcome The Feeling Of Dread?
Everyone has days when they feel like doing absolutely nothing. This is normal, and it’s impossible to push yourself at 120 km per hour 24/7. You will literally crash and burn!
However, I am certain that the primary reason many people choose to not work out is not that they are lazy. Rather, it is an overwhelming feeling of dread at the thought of working out. If you are somebody who hasn’t done any physical activity in many months or years, tackling a new fitness program can be super scary.
And for many people, just moving the body to a level where their heart rate increases slightly, their breathing becomes heavier, and they start to sweat feels as if they’re going to die. The entire experience feels completely foreign.
You Think You’re Going To Hurt Yourself
I have seen it time after time. People who have not exercised in a long time struggle to tell when they are experiencing a normal exercise burn (heavy breathing, burning chest, and muscles) from sharp or excessive pain. A newbie will definitely feel discomfort. Sorry to say, but you might feel or hear a significant amount of cracks and tweaks. It might even feel like your whole body is pulling, tearing, or falling apart.
Stop worrying because it isn’t. It’s just adjusting.
Change Your Attitude
Obviously, you will feel strange sensations when you exercise. It’s normal, and you need to get used to feeling uncomfortable if you want to progress. You must learn to tell the difference between pain and exercise burn.
If you are still scared then read this list of warning signs to stop exercising. If it isn’t on there then you are most likely fine!
Here are a few ways you can avoid risking an injury:
- Invest in quality trainers. Do not wear ancient shoes you bought 10 years ago. It will only lead to a bunch of physical ailments. Your feet carry your weight and therefore need adequate support.
- Always master the correct form. This is vital, especially when lifting weights. Don’t walk into a gym and casually pick up the heaviest weight you find. It doesn’t make you more hardcore. It only creates a body full of
injuries with bad form and posture. A good way to start is to hire a personal trainer to show you the ropes or research online. Even if you ask gym personnel to explain to you a bit more about the equipment.
- Always warm-up pre-workout. Don’t do static stretches before a workout, even if you see others doing it. It’s better to make your warm-up full of dynamic movements like walking or skipping and any type of light cardio. Jumping into your workout without warming up does lead to pain and injury.
- Pace yourself. Don’t go in too hard. Injuries occur if you try to do too much at once. And this applies to even experienced athletes who are trying out a new form of exercise. Work slowly towards your goal of a light program and build your way up to high-intensity, regular workouts. If you can only walk for 10 minutes, start there and increase your time each week.
You will get stronger over time.
You Think You’ll Look Stupid
Stop worrying about what people are thinking! Half the time they are so focused on themselves, that they haven’t even noticed the person in front of them.
Besides even pro’s fall off of treadmills, trip on steps, drop dumbbells on their own feet, and do an exercise incorrectly. Lots of things happen during vigorous exercise and machinery. And we all feel silly when we don’t know how to use a machine. All you have to do is ask somebody to show you.
Basically, if you fall, drop weight, or do something else that makes you want to disappear. Just laugh and carry on. unless you hurt yourself, of course. We all have to start somewhere and asking for assistance is your best bet.
You Are Scared Of Feeling Pain
Unfortunately, you need to get over this if you want to make progress. Fitness is by no means comfortable, but it is very enjoyable once you get past the first few weeks. Nobody enjoys pain. Many people avoid exercise because they fear pain so much that they do everything in life to escape it.
Sweating Seems Scary
Often people think they’re going to die from over-sweating. This is literally or close to impossible. I have personally had clients apologize and feel embarrassed for sweating too much. Some dislike it so much that they avoid exercising because of it.
It really doesn’t matter. There is no right way to sweat because everybody has different sweat glands. Sweating is only your body trying to cool down, nothing scary about that. Plus, some people sweat more than others.
If you are worried about how you smell, do yourself a big favor and buy deodorant for the gym, wear sweatproof gym apparel and try to avoid foods with strong odors like garlic, onion, and alcohol.
You’re A Perfectionist
Who doesn’t fear failure? Nobody wants to do badly at something. However, when it comes to exercise there are many ways that you can experience failure.
For some it might be not losing weight, others it’s not going through a workout, or sticking to a workout program and not even knowing if you’re doing the right thing.