Budokon is a fusion of yoga, mixed martial arts, mobility, calisthenics, and animal locomotion. The movements included in Budakon yoga, all work together to create a strong, toned, and agile body. It was the only workout that helped American actress Jennifer Aniston overcome her split with Brad Pitt.
In addition, it is a hybrid yoga form that provides you with an intense, full-body workout by blending the integrity of martial arts with the fluidity of yoga.
There are so many styles of yoga nowadays. Some of them might include Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Hatha, and Flow. Often, I find it tricky to keep up or to choose the best one for my fitness goals. Budokon is not the most common kind of yoga around the world. But it definitely isn’t new to the scene. This yoga and martial arts medley has the true power to heal and strengthen the body and mind.
Budokon Calms The Mind
Cameron Shayne is considered the father of mixed movement arts culture. He is a social philosopher, educator, fighter, yogi, satirist, artist, writer, and founder of Budokon University. He basically grew up with Yoga and has established himself as a leading voice of contemporary yoga and martial arts. Known as the teacher of teachers, he is famous for his founding of the Budokon Yoga style.
He has many inspiring and provocative writings on the contemporary movement scene. His radically honest and transparent style of teaching through critical analysis has established him as a guiding voice for modern yoga and the movement culture. Budokon is the trifecta of meditation, yoga, and martial arts.
Mimi Rieger has been an instructor in the 3,000-year-old practice of yoga since 2003. She is the founder of Pure Fitness DC and is one of 400 teachers worldwide trained in Budokon. The practice did not exist before 2002. She says that Budokon is like a beautiful symphony of both martial arts and yoga. She is one of the first women to get a brown belt in the Budokon sequence of six belts: white, red, blue, purple, brown, and black.
A Typical Budokon Session
You can expect 20 minutes of yoga sun salutations which lighten and open up your body. The workout is then followed by a martial arts segment of explosive, dance-like movements. And at the end, you’ll receive a guided meditation.
Cameron explains that there is no breath count, and you don’t get to pause in between movements. Basically, you have to learn how to control your body with grace and fluidity. Many of Cameron’s students described the movements as snakelike. I can see certain similarities to Tai Chi.
He believes that modern yoga can be very angular and rigid. Whereas his primary series is circular and includes continuous transition movements. If you’re considering trying out Budokon, you might want to start with a specific practice before tackling a hybrid like this one. Especially if you’re new to fitness or yoga and martial arts. However, if you’re quite advanced with your fitness then Budokon could be a really great challenge.
If you’re a yoga or tai chi purist, then Budokon probably isn’t the practice for you. However, Cameron Shayne did develop a separate Budokon class that doesn’t involve any contact. This is a class targeted at any of you who might be intimidated by the confrontational nature of martial arts.
Budokon is by no means a quick fix. Instead, it should be seen as an art form and skill you can learn over time. More importantly, patience is a very important quality to develop.
Health Benefits
Back when Jennifer Aniston hit a low after her split with Brad Pitt. She needed to get back into shape both physically and mentally. She decided to try out Cameron Shayne’s Budokon classes. He understood that she needed to remove the past out of her mind. His classes became a sanctuary for her. Plus the added kicks were great for relieving tension!
Ready to join the ranks of enthusiastic yogis, athletes, and Hollywood stars by giving Budokon a try?
Here are six things to expect from this invigorating practice. When it comes to activating and training a diverse range of muscles. There are very few exercises that rival climbing.
1. Upper-Body Strength
Most of us are stronger in our legs because we use them daily. However, Budokon helps to rebalance the strength between our upper and lower bodies. If you are consistent you’ll get toned arms and a stronger core. This practice involves a lot of poses that require you to hold the weight of your body on your hands. You can expect inversions, handstands, headstands, and other hand/arm balances.
2. Unleash Your Inner Animal![Budokon [longevity live]](https://imagedelivery.net/HAvMvOPTyLdpmveDzqzNvg/c3924b21-e686-4378-4f8f-a30568775000/w=9999)
The practice incorporates animal movements that have been used in martial arts for centuries like kung fu. You basically mimic an animal’s way of moving and striking to increase mobility and condition muscles. Copying the forms of the gorilla, monkey, lion, and more requires you to hold your body weight. This, in turn, builds strength in the arms, shoulders, chest, back, and core for a full-body workout.
3. Challenge Your Mind And Your Body
These kinds of movements challenge your brain significantly. In order to move in these unusual patterns, the brain, nervous system, and muscles have to work together. This opens up new neurological pathways and forms new, healthier movement patterns within the body.
Your mind will become more focused and your joints will be loosened after sitting down all day. The movements are also graceful and can feel like a therapeutic form of dance.
4. Get Your Heart Pumping
Budokon yoga on its own is not very cardio-intensive, like any other kind of yoga. However, when you combine it with animal locomotion and martial arts training it becomes much more cardio intensive.
You are also encouraged to move at your own pace. As with all good training modalities, Budokon can be regressed and progressed to suit your needs and abilities. You’ll never find it easy, but you will get stronger and better with each movement.
You Can Train For A Black Belt
This is optional. If you really enjoy Budokon and want something to show for it, or maybe even teach a class of your own. Then getting a black belt is a brilliant idea.
Cameron says to earn a black belt in Budokon you must follow the full Mixed Movement Arts curriculum and attend training camps in Miami and Europe. You can move from white to black belt over 10 years if you train consistently.
You Might Not Love It At First
Budokon can feel really strange to those with hardly any yoga background. You might feel frustrated or confused by all the different movements and postures. However, it is best to not expect too much of yourself in your first class. It takes time and lots of practice to become comfortable with Budokon. Especially since you’re moving in a way that you wouldn’t normally.
It’s a challenge, physically and mentally. But the most important thing is to come to the class with an open mind and have fun.
Want to know more?
When it comes to activating and training a diverse range of muscles. There are very few exercises that rival rock climbing.