Aging is inevitable. What’s more, it’s not just wrinkles that we have to worry about. In fact, just like the rest of your body, our vagina also ages, and it’s not always a pleasant experience.
Thankfully, there are ways to address aging in all these respects. Here’s what you need to know and what you can do.
Oestrogen is the female hormone responsible for various roles in the body. As we age, the levels of oestrogen begin to decline, particularly around and after menopause. This leads to a whole host of changes to our more sensitive female parts.
Oestrogen is the female hormone responsible for various roles in the body. As we age, the levels of oestrogen begin to decline, particularly around and after menopause. This leads to a whole host of changes to our more sensitive female parts.
1. Dryness
This comes with aging, as it causes a decrease in vascularisation.
The loss of vascularisation occurs due to the drop in oestrogens, further causing less elasticity and dryness. Vaginal dryness can cause painful sex, itching, and burning.
2. Walls become thinner
Oestrogen levels decline as we age. This can lead to less elasticity and cause our vaginal walls to become thinner. Most postmenopausal women may suffer from UTI due to several reasons, e.g., different flora, and overall shrinking of the urogenital tract.
3. With Menopause comes shrinking
Once our childbearing years are behind us, dryness often appears under a state of low estrogens. However, it is not that easy to make up a causal cascade, which leads to dryness and associated symptoms. There is more than one relevant factor: less vascularization (which leads to less lubrication), less cervical gland secretions, less cell differentiation (thinning of the epithelium as you mentioned), less rugae, in case of a narrower vaginal opening associated pain can lead to less sexual arousal.
Not only can this cause painful sex, but it can also lead to itching, burning, pain irritation, and dryness. While aging is an inevitable experience that we cannot avoid, it doesn’t’ mean that we have to suffer in silence.
The Best Product for Vaginal Dryness
Dr.Wolff’s Vagisan Moisturising Cream, #1 product for Vaginal Dryness* is a hormone-free and prescription-free cream.
This hormone-free cream helps alleviate the symptoms of dryness (feeling of dryness, itching, burning, or pain) by providing both moisture and soothing lipids in the vaginal and external genital area. While water-based gels are able to provide moisture, a cream provides both moisture AND lipids and therefore might be preferred by some women.
Dr. Wolff’s Vagisan Moisturising Cream
Dr. Wolff’s Vagisan Moisturising Cream is different, as most vaginal creams available up until now require a prescription as they contain oestrogens (female hormones). The cream provides noticeable relief from symptoms of vaginal dryness, and after the first application, the alleviation of subjective symptoms somewhat plateaus. You will soon notice how it reduces the severity of the symptoms of vaginal dryness (feeling of dryness, itching, burning, and pain)
Furthermore, it helps to maintain the natural pH of your vagina, as the pH of the cream is adjusted to a value of ~4.5 thanks to the addition of lactic acid.
*Pharmacy Sell-Out INSIGHT Health and DatamedIQ YTD 2020.06 Germany