Looking for healthy books to read? Here is our monthly pick of three books to help you live your best life.
Book 1. Intelligent Fitness
Look, move, feel, sleep, and recover like a film star. This is the promise Simon Waterson makes – and he’s well placed to make it. His job, after all, is to turn actors into athletes. He transformed Daniel Craig into the formidable James Bond for five blockbuster films, and shaped Chris Evans for his role in Captain America. He has also worked with many other leading actors.
Waterson’s philosophy is that aesthetics is a byproduct of performance, and the information he provides is designed to provide readers with the confidence to get results.
And you don’t have to be a superhero or 007 either. Many of his clients are just everyday men and women who want to look and feel good. Whatever your age or stage of life, Waterson believes you can start right now and get great results.
The book is not just about fitness, but also nutrition and healthy lifestyle insights. He encourages readers to focus on training, recovery and nutrition, to build on performance, rather than aesthetics. It’s easy to read, with lots of illustrations, so you know what to do.
Intelligent Fitness is a good read for anyone who wants to get their body and mind into better shape this coming year.
Available at leading bookstores and online.
#2. Jellyfish Age Backwards
Molecular scientist Nick Brendborg is our guide in this deep dive into the complex sciences of aging and longevity, and how these play out in the natural world. His skills as a raconteur ensure that his readers are both entertained and educated by the stories and secrets of some of the Earth’s longest-living creatures.
The sum of what we know about aging is growing every year, and this book looks at the work undertaken by some of the world’s top scientists to extend the period of time that we can continue to live without disease and decline.
From the Turritopsis jellyfish in question (and its Benjamin Button-like abilities) to Methuselah, a 5 000-year-old bristlecone pine in a secret location in the White Mountains of California, and to the varying – and sometimes bizarre – ways in which modern science is trying to stop the body’s aging clock, Brendborg takes you on an exhilarating ride that, at times, feels like Ponce de Léon’s expedition through Florida in search of the Fountain of Youth.
Brendborg manages to make intricate science both interesting and accessible, offering true insight into nature’s secrets to longevity.
#3. Your Health In Your Hands
In a world where we’re bombarded with misinformation, if only there was a book that had all the answers for you and your health before you even thought of asking the questions.
In Your Health in Your Hands, Dr. Emeka Okorocha urges us to take charge of our bodies, providing an almost how-to guide for boosting health and wellness. Compiled in an easily digestible manner, likely influenced by his growing presence on TikTok, where information is easily and quickly absorbed, the book offers simple lifestyle hacks that you can start to follow today.
Sprinkled with medical facts, delicious recipes and effective mental exercise, the handbook encourages a hands-on approach to improving your health. It’s easy to read, and offers solutions, and preventive tips, to various health concerns.
Whatever your age, Dr. Okorocha offers you the perfect guide for staying on top of your health in the coming year, so you can better protect your longevity.