Senior adults love to remain in control of their lives for as long as possible, which could mean downplaying some of the challenges they may be experiencing to avoid discussing the option of leaving home and enrolling in an assisted living community. It is your duty to observe the changes in your loved one’s physical, mental, and emotional health to determine when to seek help. Read on for nine signs it is time for assisted living. Longevity Live Paid Content.
Signs It’s Time for Assisted Living
1. Poor nutrition
Proper nutrition is essential for sustaining good physical and mental health. However, as your loved ones age, it may become challenging for them to cook, or they simply lack the motivation to do so.
They may also lack the resources or energy to shop for groceries. You should consider enrolling your aging parent in an assisted living facility like Husky Senior Care when this happens. Live-in senior care guarantees for your loved one:
- Three well-prepared meals every day
- Healthy snacks, fresh fruits, and drinks
- The ability to choose a meal plan based on the senior’s needs. Meal plans account for fortified, kosher, high-fiber, low-sodium, and diabetic diets
- Ingredients and nutrients from all food groups
- Dining halls for conversation opportunities during meals
2. Mobility problems
Approximately 68,4000 people die every year due to falls, with adults 65 years and above accounting for most of these deaths. One of the leading causes of these falls is decreased mobility as your loved one ages. To prevent your elderly parent from being a statistic, seek professional care when you notice the following mobility issues:
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- Loss of balance. Wobbling while walking
- Absence of motor coordination
- Muscle weakness. Limping, shaking, dragging the feet, or letting the hips fall.
- Spasms and muscular rigidity
- Lack of sensitivity in the feet or numbness
- Lack of movement
3. Poor personal hygiene
If your loved one has a new body odor or bad breath, or they have stopped taking care of themselves, this could signify that they have challenges handling personal grooming activities such as brushing the hair and teeth, bathing or trimming nails, increasing the chances of an emotional and mental decline. Challenges with activities of daily living and self-care indicate that it is not ideal for your loved ones to continue living by themselves.
4. Inability to manage the home
Is your loved one’s yard neglected and appliances malfunctioning? Even small tasks like maintaining a clean home can be overwhelming when aging. Instead of allowing them to keep worrying about home maintenance and upkeep, find your elderly loved ones a place to relax and enjoy the final years of their lives.
5. Poor medication management
Most elderly adults fill nine to 13 prescriptions every year. If you realize that your elderly family member is not keeping up with their medications, you should inquire why to prevent severe health complications. It could be due to financial reasons, or they are forgetful.
Consider getting a financial plan for their medicine if they have monetary issues. However, if it is due to forgetfulness, enrolling in assisted living could be the solution. The caregivers can help your elderly loved ones to take their medication as needed and prevent them from duplicating doses or overdosing.
6. Chronic health conditions
According to the National Council on Aging research, 77% of older adults have two or more chronic diseases while 80% have at least one. These conditions worsen as one ages, which can be alarming as chronic illnesses cause the most deaths in the U.S.
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Instead of trying to manage your loved one’s deteriorating condition by yourself, you should enroll them in a long-term care facility equipped with a dedicated team of trained staff. This helps them get proper medical attention tailored to their needs, which might improve their health.
7. Safety concerns
Have you recently noticed that your older family member often shows up with unexplained wounds and bruises? Are they constantly wandering off? These signs indicate that your loved one has impaired memory or is experiencing trouble navigating the home, resulting in falls, slips, or cuts, so they may not be safe living independently.
8. Mental status and behavior changes
One of the most apparent signs of enrolling your older family member in a 24/7 live-in care facility is behavior and mental status changes. These changes indicate the onset of Alzheimer’s, dementia, or Parkinson’s disease, necessitating professional care. Be wary of the following changes in mental status and behavior:
- Physical or verbal abuse
- Difficulties keeping track of time
- Loss of interest in hobbies and activities
- Changes in sleeping patterns
- Extreme mood swings
- Lack of motivation and drive
- Intense agitation
- Not picking or returning calls from close friends or family members.
9. Increased isolation and sadness
As they age, your loved ones may isolate themselves or experience immense sadness from losing their spouse, family members, and close friends.
Suppose you notice your elderly parent is dropping out of social organizations and groups they were involved in, stepping back from activities that brought them joy, or skipping dates with family and friends. In that case, it is time to consider live-in care. Assisted living facilities provide various activities and opportunities for interactions, which can snap your parent out of their solitude.
The idea of leaving familiar surroundings and family to enroll in an assisted living facility is unfathomable for most senior adults. However, there comes a time when living alone may not be ideal for their mental, physical, social and emotional health. Watch out for the above signs to determine whether or not it’s time for assisted living.