As a Cloud developer, you need to master all the steps involved from designing to deployment. The purpose of the Microsoft AZ-204 certification exam is to gauge your mastery of these skills. Why is this particular test so important? Let’s find out.
Cloud technology has gradually become the order of the day as organizations migrate their operations to Cloud. Therefore, this field is very popular nowadays. Microsoft Azure positions itself as the leading cloud provider. Its firm grasp of the corporate world makes MS Azure a reasonable career path to take. As you choose to carve a name for yourself in Azure, you should consider taking the AZ-204 exam, which affirms your ability to develop solutions for your organizationβs Microsoft Azure Cloud infrastructure. Excelling in this test grants you the Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate credential.
About the Microsoft AZ-204 certification exam
Microsoft AZ-204 is designed for those applicants who are passionate about Azure development and looking forward to getting the title of an Azure developer. To increase your chances of passing the exam, you must have at least one year of development experience as well as an equal amount Cloud technologiesΒ of experience with Microsoft Azure. Make sure that you can confidently program in a language that Azure supports.
The AZ-204 exam is available in Chinese (Simplified), Japanese, Korean, and English. You should expect about 60 questions that need to be answered within 150 minutes. Microsoft designed the test to cover five important areas that ascertain the candidateβs skill set in developing solutions for Azure infrastructure. These include:
- Developing Azure Compute Solutions β 25-30%;
- Implementing Azure Security β 15-20%;
- Developing for Azure Storage β 10-15%;
- develop solutions for your organizationβs
- Connecting and Consuming Azure and Third-Party Services β 25-30%;
- Optimizing, Troubleshooting, and Monitoring Azure Solutions β 10-15%.
Dedicate more time to the sections that contribute more questions. However, do not ignore the low percentage topics since they are equally necessary in order to get the required passing score. Also, make sure you use exam dumps and practice tests in addition to your main preparation resources.
Benefits of the Microsoft AZ-204 certification exam
There are some reasons why you should pass the AZ-204 exam. Here are a few of them:
Increased career growth potential
Qualifications are important in improving your confidence and making you a valuable member of your organization. Thus, the Microsoft AZ-204 exam improves your resume, helping you secure a new job or rise up ranks in your organization. Considering the new skills that the associated credential imparts, you are best positioned to negotiate for a salary increase.
Improved visibility
The job market can sometimes be a hard one to navigate. With so many people actively looking for employment and very few vacancies available, it is easy for employers to include you in the same pool as other job seekers because of the badge you have. You will have a better chance of landing a job with this certificate than without it.
Increased flexibility
Cloud technologies change very fast. What is new today can easily become outdated tomorrow. Thus, IT professionals are required to continuously learn in order to be more flexible. While studying for the Microsoft AZ-204 exam, you will gain the skills in the latest developments.
In your journey towards passing the Microsoft AZ-204 test and obtaining the associated certification, you can use a wide range of training options. As you do so, do not forget to include exam dumps and practice tests. These are necessary for providing a glimpse of the main exam questions. With their help, you will certainly win this battle.