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When we’re young, we tend to eat whatever our parents suggest or whatever we find, specifically if it’s easy to prepare and cheap. Along with that, we don’t worry about how our lifestyle choices may affect our future selves. In between school, work, and social events, we rarely find time to think about what may help us stay young for as long as possible.

Nevertheless, when we get to 65 years old, we start reaping what we’ve sown. The takeaways and missed gym appointments turn into obesity, heart issues, arthritis, and more chronic illnesses. But unhealthy choices and habits can affect your life much sooner than expected, even if you’re still young. That’s why eating right and exercising regularly, along with other beneficial practices, should be a priority in all stages of life. In this article, you’ll learn how to improve your health in the long run.

What to do at 30 to feel good at 65
Photo by Carl Barcelo on Unsplash

Reconsider Your Eating Habits

This is the most obvious tip one could ever receive, but we truly are what we eat. Our digestive system reduces all the foods into small particles that become part of our new cells.

If our diet consists of low-quality foods, our new cells will be low-quality too. So, making the right dietary choices is quintessential now and for the rest of your life.

Here Are Three Main Anti-aging Eating Habits:

Plan Your Meals And Don’t Eat Out

The enemy is processed food, so fast food restaurants and takeaways should slowly become a memory for you. This means that you need to put your apron on and start cooking. However, you don’t need to spend hours preparing some nutritious and delicious food in the kitchen. Even if you don’t have much experience, you just need to be more organized.

Try to prepare your meals for the entire week using healthy online recipes. At first, you may have some trouble, but you’ll eventually get used to cooking. You’ll observe significant changes in your body and your pocket because you’ll be saving money as well.

Eat Your Veggies

The ideal human diet contains mainly veggies and whole grains; the rest is extra. If you’re used to dining out all the time, it may be a little tricky putting your cravings aside.

Nevertheless, your health is more important than five minutes of flavor. Besides, you can get creative and discover new flavors that are healthier. Just experiment with your fruits, vegetables, grains, and spices.

Drink Water

Set alarms, download apps, just make sure you drink about eight cups of water daily. Being hydrated ensures good digestion, healthy kidneys and bladder, firm skin, and even joint flexibility. So, get yourself a hydro flask and start gulping.

Plan Your Weekly Exercise

The second health tip is just as evident as the first one and crucial for your well-being. The human body is built for movement. Nowadays, most people have sedentary lifestyles; therefore, most people go against their bodies’ needs. Consequently, most of us develop all sorts of acute and chronic diseases such as thrombosis, diabetes, joint pain, and more. To prevent that, you need to plan your exercise.

You don’t have to start going to the gym every day; you can start slow. For instance, you can start biking every two days for an hour, then slowly increase your hours or add new activities. A quick run every two days or commute for 30 minutes every day will do the trick.

Improve Your Mental Health

A lot of the aging process happens in the mind, so you’ll age well with a healthy brain. A good diet is beneficial for your mental health, but it’s not enough. Here are some crucial tips for a healthy brain:

What to do at 30 to feel good at 65
Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash

Say Goodbye To Stress

Stress increases the level of cortisol, which encourages weight gain and brain aging. So, try to find the primary sources of your stress and find a way to reduce them.

If you feel stressed because of your job, family, and relationships, maybe it’s time to reevaluate them and find a way to eliminate the pressure you feel. Life is too short to worry all the time.

  • Do something new every week. Either you want to travel for the weekend or start reading; your brain needs something new to do. Find something to keep your brain flexible and prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia.
  • Spend time in nature. The trees, the sun, and the fresh air have a fantastic effect on the brain. You can reduce stress and get a good workout by walking in nature for an hour every day.
  • Find a purpose. Either you want to volunteer or pick up your dream project, find your purpose. We all need something to look forward to every day, through the ups and downs of our lives, something to give meaning to the effort we put in.

Never Skip Your Doctor’s Appointments

The key to long-living is keeping healthy and solving existing conditions. Even if you don’t have any now, there might be some things to look out for as you age. So, don’t miss your doctor’s appointments, and make sure you get checked as soon as something’s bothering you. Also, make a list of vital tests to do every three years or so.

What to do at 30 to feel good at 65
Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels

Sleep Well

Sleeping is the body’s way to recharge, update, and get ready for a new day. So, if you’re cutting those sleep sessions short, you just might sabotage yourself on all levels. Getting eight hours of sleep every night doesn’t just increase productivity; it also prevents numerous diseases. So, make sure you get excellent sleep every night.

Cut Bad Habits Once and For All

Being thirty is the perfect age to stop the bad habits you might’ve picked up during adolescence. You don’t need to be addicted to heavy drugs to damage yourself. Sometimes excessive use of meds such as paracetamol can cause stomach issues or liver damage. Also, smoking and regular drinking are damaging bad habits that often go overlooked. It’s never too late to give up terrible habits, but the sooner, the better.


If you want to become healthier, now and in the future, try these tips:

  1. Reconsider your eating habits
  2. Plan your weekly exercise
  3. Improve your mental health
  4. Never skip doctor’s appointments
  5. Sleep well
  6. Cut bad habits once and for all
Elise Herman

Elise Herman

Elise Herman has been a writer for more than a decade. She loves journalism, custom essay writing, and blogging. Since Elise is a sports lover, her favorite topics are health, diet, and lifestyle. When Elise’s not working, you can find her in a park, surrounded by nature, doing yoga.


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