Throughout the past year, our sweatpants, tracksuits, and slippers have seen more use than we could ever have anticipated. When staying indoors has been the main activity on the agenda, it can often feel like a struggle to even get out of pyjamas. I mean, why not embrace the comfort 24/7? However, there are some surprising mood-boosting benefits to getting dressed up once in a while, even if it is just to stay in.
Now that the UK’s roadmap out of lockdown has been revealed, the end really does seem to be in sight. Many of us are already fantasising about the first outfit we’re going to wear on the 21st of June when (if all goes to plan) restrictions will be lifted. Until that point, however, there are still plenty of reasons to get glammed up at home. From committing to your skincare routine to dressing up for themed Zoom parties (the perfect excuse for an iconic 90s denim-on-denim outfit), looking after yourself can make the world of difference to your wellbeing and sense of self.
Skincare for self-care
When we’ve got no real reason to go out, wearing makeup and skincare can feel like an afterthought. However, establishing a skincare routine is about so much more than just looking good. Such routines can work as a wellness ritual and bring us a sense of consistency and calm in the midst of a world that feels thoroughly out of our control. According to Alexia Inge, founder of Cult Beauty, beauty rituals tend to make a difference to the “inner aspect of our lives” as well as our appearance. This is why she believes such routines are important, even when we’re not leaving the house.
simona pilolla 2/shutterstock
Over the course of the pandemic, the skincare sector in the UK has seen a huge boost. Many retailers have reported that their skincare sales have doubled during this time. This shows how important this beauty routine has been for people during such difficult times. Clearly, taking care of their appearance has become an important ritual and a vital way to boost their mood.
Dress to de-stress
Having a skincare routine or putting on some makeup isn’t the only way to transform your mood in lockdown. Putting on an outfit that you love can also work wonders. Your mood can be intrinsically linked to your surroundings, your routines, and – yes – your clothing. For example, if you wear the clothes that you normally associate with being ill and staying in bed all day, then you’re bound to feel less active. What’s more, clothing can work as a great distinguisher, drawing the line between work and play (which has become blurred for many people who are working from home during lockdown). Finishing your workday and putting on a different outfit can put you in a new frame of mind and help you to switch off from the day’s tasks.
What’s more, dressing up as if to go out somewhere special can boost your self-confidence. In a conversation with Vogue, personal stylist Anna Berkeley explained the effect that dressing up during lockdown can have on her. She said: “You know that excitement of dressing up to go to a party and how sometimes that’s better than the actual party? It was that. I knew I would feel better, but I couldn’t believe how much better.”
Feeling yourself
Getting glam during lockdown is a great way to break the sweatpant-monotony. Yet, sometimes it can be hard to find a reason to put the effort in. However, during lockdown, many have realised the importance of dressing up in order to feel more ‘themselves’. Your fashion choices are a key way of expressing your personality. If you’re used to wearing bold clothing, the loss of this during lockdown can feel like the loss of an important element of your personality.
Lockdown has had a big impact on many people’s sense of self. Going to work and socialising with friends both help us to feel more like ‘us’. With those things gone, it’s easy to feel a bit lost. Throwing on an outfit that reflects your personality, even if no one is there to see it, can bring you back to your true self and express your personality. Of course, this can feel like a challenge if you’re alone with no one to share your most recent look with. So why not share an outfit snap to Instagram or get glam for your next Zoom call to share your bold fashion statements with others?
Photo by JESSICA TICOZZELLI from Pexels
It’s not always easy to feel motivated to dress up and get glamorous. But, why not try it once this week? You never know, you might be amazed at the mood-boosting benefits!
Want to know more?
In addition to getting glam at home, why not start embracing those grey hairs? I mean if it works for Jane Fonda, then it can definitely work for you.