Relax because we’ve got you sorted with a few delicious but healthy recipes to keep you going during the week. It hasn’t been easy being stuck inside and forced to cook for yourself every day. But you can relax knowing that we’ve done the thinking for you. Many of us feel worn out by home cooking, and it’s not because it’s a mission. It’s mainly because cooking at home gets really familiar and can feel too predictable. And let’s face it, you can’t relax because you’re stressing about what to make next, and you can’t face eating another meal of your own.
You know your own kitchen habits, your own cooking voice, and the same old goods you keep buying at the store. Most of us are guilty of being able to relax too easily walking around the aisles at the grocery store. Is it like you’re walking around on automatic? Yup, well don’t worry because we too know this feeling. A tendency to lean towards autonomy is really boring especially with strict rules during the pandemic. In a nutshell, we can’t relax even if we wanted to, and we’re feeling rather short on enthusiasm. Worst of all, it makes absolutely no difference how beloved and delicious the cooking itself has been. have reliably been. That’s why we need to shake things up a little and reach for new ideas, paths, routes, and pleasures.
Whilst many of you might be battling to get a solid routine happening, the other portion of us are desperately trying to stop doing things the same way. The best way to relax about food is to start shopping and cooking differently. You will be surprised at how animated it is to build a new groove.
Relax On The Autonomy Of Cooking
Nothing is going to bore you more than eating or doing the same thing day in and day out. Take eggplant for example. You might’ve been cooking it the same way for decades, scorching the skin directly on the grate of your stove. Now you can relax knowing what to expect, but it’s boring. You then allow the black and ruined vegetable to rest in a bowl so that it weeps delicious smokiness as its interior steams and softens. And that’s how you go about cooking your eggplant, every single time.
But what if you tried another style? Like eggplant croquettes instead? Yeah sure, it’s not what you’re used to, but changing something up might inspire your cooking and allow you to relax and enjoy the process.
As we need to relax more now than ever before. Knowing that you can prepare for something different this week might help reset your brain. What about grilled paella if you can manage a grill? Or a coconut layer cake if you can’t? Maybe if you’re feeling extra adventurous you could attempt both. Perhaps you can relax a bit and get playful with your dining methods. Try covering a table in reams of newsprint, steam up a bunch of crabs, eat them with leisure or in a frenzy, depending on the heat of the day. Or you could do the same but with some oven-baked ribs.
And let’s not forget about dessert. Even if you’re not a dessert person, try this grapefruit fluff for dessert on Saturday night. Or a crème brûlée pie! Just a bit of creativity can make things so much more exciting and less stressful, so you can relax.
Goat’s Cheese, Mango, And Honey Toast
What’s for lunch? Ah, you just can’t bear eating the same old avocado on toast. Relax honey, we’ve got you covered with this healthy delight.
What You Need![relax and cook different meals for the summer [longevity live]]()
- 2 slices whole-grain bread
- 4 slices goat’s cheese
- ½ mango, sliced
- 2 tsp. honey
- ¼ tsp. sea salt
- 2 tbsp. basil leaves
What You Need To Do
First, relax and get out some bread. Now, toast the bread. Place the sliced cheese and mango on the toast and drizzle with honey.
To serve, season with salt and garnish with basil leaves.
Nutrition Per Serving:
- 250 kcal
- 8g Fats
- 37g Carbs
- 10g Protein
Meal Preparation Time
Serves: 1
Prep: 5 minutes
Cook: 0 minutes
Green Beans, Chicken, And Grapefruit Salad
Feeling like a light dinner or a refreshing lunch? You can relax because this recipe is just perfect.
What You Need![relax and cook different meals for the summer [longevity live]]()
- 9 oz. (250g) chicken breast
- ¼ tsp. sea salt
- ¼ tsp. black pepper
- 2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
- 1 ½ cups (220g) green beans, trimmed
- Just 1 grapefruit
- 1 head green lettuce
What You Need To Do
Start by seasoning the chicken with salt and pepper. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a pan over medium-high heat and fry the chicken until cooked through and browned for about 5-6 minutes on each side.
Cook the green beans in slightly salted water until they are crisp-tender. Remove from heat, drain and rinse with cold water. Then, cut off the skin of the grapefruit and divide it into segments. Do this over a bowl, so you keep all the juice for dressing.
To serve, divide the lettuce leaves between plates, then top them with green beans, grapefruit, and chicken. Drizzle with the grapefruit juice and season with salt and pepper to serve.
Nutrition Per Serving
- 344 kcal
- 17g Fats
- 18g Carbs
- 31g Protein
Meal Preparation Time
Serves: 2
Prep: 10 mins
Cook: 12 mins
Green Beans With Tofu And Roasted Peanuts
Now you can relax because this one is super tasty and entirely plant-based. A good option to keep a nice balance going, besides we all need to cut down on our meat consumption.
What You Need![relax and cook different meals for the summer [longevity live]]()
- 1 tbsp. sesame oil
- 9.8 oz. (280g) tofu
- 1 ½ cups (220g) green beans, halved
- ½ tsp. chili flakes
- 1 tbsp. tamari
- One tbsp. rice vinegar
- 1 tbsp. honey
- ¼ cup (30g) roasted peanuts, chopped
What You Need To Do
Drain the tofu, wrap in a kitchen towel, and press gently to remove excess water. Unwrap, pat dry and slice into cubes.
Heat sesame oil in a large pan set over medium-high heat and then add the tofu to the pan and let cook for a minute, before turning over. Cook until lightly browned, about 3 minutes. Add the green beans and chili flakes, frequently stirring for about 3-4 minutes, until the beans are crisp-tender.
In a cup, stir the tamari, vinegar, and honey; then drizzle over the tofu and beans. Stir and toss to coat, then transfer to serving bowls. Sprinkle with peanuts to serve
Nutrition Per Serving
- 173 kcal
- 12g Fats
- 10g Carbs
- 11g Protein
Meal Preparation Time
Serves: 2
Prep: 10 mins
Cook: 7 mins
There are so many amazing ways to cook delicious food, but first, we must slow down and relax. It does help to figure out what you’re cooking beforehand, so you can get the right ingredients. Even better, to have somebody like us, give you some decent recipe ideas.
Read More About Cooking
Get your happy hormones flowing in your brain with these depression-friendly meals recommended by pro nutritionists.
What To Cook This Weekend. New York Times.