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People who are consistent with their fitness routine appear to be a few years younger than their actual age. Ever wondered why? Well, there are many theories that try to explain the magical relationship between exercise and anti-aging, but none of them is conclusive. The common denominator among all the relevant theories, however, is that steady physical activity shaves years off your age by limiting the effects of age-related health problems. It keeps chronic illnesses at bay.  Gives you fuller muscles and makes your body a darling at fitting clothing. All these factors combined give you a younger outlook, even as much as your chronological age remains intact.

Can Exercise Reverse The Aging Process?

Of course, aging is relative. You can only look younger or older than your actual age in comparison with others within your age bracket. People look at the physical appearance of your age mates in order to imagine how your “actual” appearance would be like were you not exercising regularly. But that should not be the way to look at it. The human body is meant to be physically active at all times.Meaning that he or she who exercises regularly only looks as young as he or she should be. Not younger. It is those inactive age mates that look older than they should.

Regular Outdoor Exercise and Better Quality Of Life

Outdoor exercise improves your quality of life in many ways. For starters, it prevents your body from most chronic illnesses, including diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and cardiovascular problems. Exercising is also known to alleviate the effects of (or even eliminate) some diseases. Reliable studies show that recreational cyclists aged between 60-80 years have better mental agility, their body parts function better, and their capacity to perform day-to-day tasks is higher than their age mates who don’t exercise at all. There isn’t a better quality of life than having your mental health and physical ability at that age.

There is also evidence showing that people who start exercising at a young age are more likely to lead a healthier life in old age as compared to their age mates who don’t start exercising until they are in their mid-30s. A recent study showed that Americans who work out for at least 8 hours a week, right from their teenage years through their 50s, have a 36% better chance of living beyond their 70th birthday. The younger you hit the ground running, the better the quality of life you will lead in old age. However, this shouldn’t discourage those aged 35 and above from getting physically active. Starting late is better than not starting at all.

Regular Exercise Is Good For Your Memory

Aging is associated with loss of memory. If your memory is intact in old age, then you will always appear younger than your mates. Being physically active helps you with that by lowering your chances of suffering depression, especially during the infamous phase of mid-life crisis. Also, exercising outdoors prevents your brain from experiencing the brain fog that attacks people as they age, consequently retaining your memory and thinking skills intact. Combining exercise with regular visits to a life coach clinic will help you keep your mental health in the best possible condition as age catches up.

But how exactly does exercise help memory and thinking? Well, by facilitating the release of the chemicals that are needed for healthy brain cells. Steady exercise also has the ability to reduce inflammation and insulin resistance in your body, which aids the growth of new blood vessels in your brain. Besides that, exercise helps you sleep better, lowers your stress and anxiety levels, and significantly reduces your chances of suffering from cognitive impairment. All these factors increase the manufacturing rate of new brain cells and guarantee their survival.

Age Exercise

Outdoor Exercise Boosts Your Sex Drive

Ordinarily, anyone’s sex drive dwindles with age. However, regular sweat sessions can significantly improve your desire for sex as well as your overall performance. It improves blood flow below the belt (and everywhere else), increasing your responsiveness and arousal. That’s without mentioning that working out gives you a strong, better-looking body, thus boosting your self-belief even in old age. Also, while mentioning sports, another thing to try is adventurous and adrenaline-boosting activities such as paintball. This sport, not only is good because it is good for your physical activity, but it also boosts your adrenaline and excitement.  So grab your paintball gear or bike and start exercising right away in order to get your sex groove back.

And, the Skin Doesn’t Age

Another give away for aged people is sagging skin. Regular outdoor exercises make your skin inelastic and because of all the sweating, you are able to maintain your youthful jawline and cheekbones.

The Bottom Line

With everything said and done, it is important to note that working out will not give you instant results. You need to be patient and resilient if you want to look younger than your chronological age. Also, it is good to identify the types of exercises that will work best for your body and age. For a start, you can try out exercises that make you sweat, will give you strength, help maintain your muscle, and that gets your heart thumping. Aerobic and cardio exercises are some of those.

Exercising outdoors  is what many call ecotherapy. Here’s how easy it is to go green.


Nuria Garatachea, Helios Pareja-Galeano, Fabian Sanchis-Gomar, Alejandro Santos-Lozano, Carmen Fiuza-Luces, María Morán, Enzo Emanuele, Michael J. Joyner, Alejandro Lucia

Exercise Attenuates the Major Hallmarks of Aging

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Cell Metab. 2013 Feb 5;17(2):162-84. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2012.12.012.Exercise metabolism and the molecular regulation of skeletal muscle adaptation.

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About the Author

Erisa HughErisa Hughss is an upcoming Interior Designer who loves exercise, health, and outdoor activities. She is a creative person  who loves to share her passion through her writing, in which she aspires to motivate other people to live healthier.



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  • I also love outdoor exercise because it gives you a chance to view the world from a different angle. But due to back Pain issues I do not continue this job. So please recommend me any best chair for back pain relief?

  • Erisa says:

    Hi Julia, I am sorry that you have problems with your back and you can not continue with your passion.

    I think there are many different factors you should consider and what you need to watch out for when sitting.

    First off, you need a good chair that offers back support, especially lumbar support. Secondly, you need to watch out for your posture while sitting, you need to maintain a neutral back throughout the sitting. And finally, it is recommended that after a period of time, be it one hour or two hours, you should get up the chair and walk or stretch a little.

    I hope I could help in any way.

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