The global health crisis wrought by coronavirus has brought our usual beauty, health and wellness routines under scrutiny. One of the topics on the proverbial table is the way in which we approach anti-aging.
In the popular media, the discussion around anti-aging takes place largely from a beauty standpoint. And sure, there’s a lot to be said for feeling good about the way you look. But what about anti-aging for the mind? Or for retaining our youthful mobility? It might be time to update the way we think about anti-aging.
Anti-aging, coronavirus, and our health
The higher percentage of elderly patients with COVID-19 has led to researchers hypothesizing on the effectiveness of anti-aging drugs as a treatment. Early clinical trials showed that the virus was slowed down by the use of some anti-aging medications already available.
The two proposed therapeutics for the treatment of COVID-19 infection are Azithromycin and Quercetin, both drugs with significant senolytic activity. Chloroquine-related compounds inhibit the induction of the well-known senescence marker, Beta-galactosidase. The researchers in this study say that other anti-aging drugs should also be considered, such as Rapamycin and Doxycycline. They suggest that the fight against COVID-19 disease should involve testing the hypothesis that senolytics and other anti-aging drugs may have a prominent role in preventing the transmission of the virus, as well as aid in its treatment.
The pursuit of vitality
The association of health with youthful vitality is probably not so surprising. Cell renewal and production deteriorate as we age, and recovery from ailments is prolonged.
But it’s not just physical health. Most types of dementia are almost solely an affliction of the aging process.
Joint pain, a loss of mobility as well as strength all carry connotations of weak infirmity. So, if we’re applying the right creams and serums to our skin, what can we do for our bodies?
Photo by Nadine Primeau on Unsplash
A whole-body approach
Many experts agree that anti-aging treatments can be more successful if they include a full-body approach. No surprises here that eating a healthy diet is a key part of the process. But what does an anti-aging diet look like? Researchers and health organizations alike tend towards recommending that we follow the Mediterranean diet. Consisting of plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. It avoids processed and refined foods in favor of less meat, more fiber, as well as essential fats and oils.
The Mediterranean diet’s naturally-high presence of anti-oxidants is linked to youthful skin, too, as well as better heart health.
Diet and the brain
Researchers have also discovered a relationship between diet and conditions such as Alzheimer’s. By getting the right nutrients on board, we help our bodies produce what they need in the right quantities to regenerate and also reduce inflammation, which is a key driver of Alzheimer’s disease.
Nutritional support
If anti-aging can benefit from an improved diet, what should we be taking on board? As with all things, it’s all about finding the balance. There are some essential nutrients that our bodies can’t produce for themselves whilst in some cases, it’s other factors, such as a particular diet, that need to be worked around.
Understanding what your body needs is key to this. Nutrigenomics is an incredible tool that will change the way you see and live your wellness. With all the choices out there for supplementation, things often get confusing.
With body, mind, mood, and general health all connected and interdependent, there’s a lot to be said for a unified approach.
The bottom line
If you want to live well as you age, then you have to consider the sum of all parts when it comes to anti-aging. It is never one thing or another. It’s also not about following a passing therapeutic fad. This involves understanding your whole body. Ensure a better health span by engaging and understanding all aspects of wellness. Seeking advice from those who do not sell one hit wonders, but whole body wellness solutions.
Read more:
Do you want to understand the psychology behind aging. Click here.
Who is the author?
Elizabeth Hughes is a Senior Content writer for Nutravita, with over 10 years of experience creating content on numerous subjects including health and well-being.