Celebrity trainer Oscar Smith dedicates his time to promoting the fact that fitness is a lifestyle. Smith’s O-D Studio in New York attracts celebrities including Katharine McPhee, Tom Brady, Rosario Dawson, Val Kilmer, and many others. But with the world facing the crisis of the century, our routines are all over the place which means it’s even tougher to stay on track. But this high-demand celebrity trainer in NYC says we just need to rethink what we’re doing so we can keep exercise exciting and fun.
We interviewed Smith on July 20th. From what he shared, it seems that despite what you might want right now – fitness takes time. And that’s the biggest issue, pandemic or not, we don’t want to try something for long enough to give it enough time to work.
Oscar Smith owns an elite personal training gym called O-D Studio. He has a massive amount of expertise in the exercise department which is why he’s so popular. Smith focuses on using multiple disciplines to develop specialized training systems for total body transformation.
We wanted to know what his advice is for us to build a solid routine, without fad approaches during Covid-19. Moreover, what future gyms will look like, and how we can maintain the motivation on our own to stay healthy, fit, and strong. At the end of the day, pro trainer or not, we’ve got to stay in shape to keep a strong immune system and avoid the ‘COVID weight gain.’
We’ve Got To Get Inventive
Right now, gyms and fitness studios worldwide have had to close their doors to customers and take steps to navigate the coronavirus. Many have even had to file for bankruptcy, which just proves the impact it’s having on both the client and the business owner. Not only are we being forced to change our routines, so is the entire fitness industry model. Celebrity or not, we’ve all got to do things differently.
![celebrity trainer Oscar Smith comments on thefuture of fitness [longevity live]](https://longevitylive.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Oscar-Smith-6a-320x213.jpg)
Celebrity/Supermodel NYC Trainer Oscar Smith
However, all of these changes have left so many of us in limbo. People are feeling completely lost about what to do, where things are going, and what it all means for the future. The problem is we can’t predict the future, but we can do our best to create a better and healthier one. The chaos has thrown us all out of what we call our ‘usual routines.’
Unfortunately, too much uncertainty leads to all kinds of new bad habits like overeating, snacking, or grabbing junk food. This is all due to high-stress levels of boredom and restlessness. As Oscar says, even pro-athletes are not sure how to stay in shape without the support and motivation from their celebrity trainer. So how are the rest of us meant to cope?
The world needs to regain some kind of normality, but it’s not going to be an overnight journey. We’ve got to be patient and kind to ourselves. There are some lessons in the fitness space that we should all consider embracing if we want to survive this crisis and the future.
How Do We Start Again?
Celebrity trainer Oscar Smith says it’s almost like thinking of it as a reset. But you’ve got to remember that creating a new routine or getting back into one means going straight back to the basics. You can’t just jump into the routine of some other celebrity trainer or fitness influencer, just because they look good. It’s important to remember how unique you are and that your needs will be different.
Smith says he has many clients coming to him saying they’ve gained a little bit of weight and need to get back into a routine. He noticed that their biggest problem was snacking. There’s nothing wrong with keeping yourself satisfied throughout the day, but there needs to be a line on the number of snacks you eat during the day. Smith adds that snacking is particularly bad in America. We think others have developed the habit of snacking during lockdown because they’re either bored, stressed, or feeling restless. Try to write down what you’ve been snacking on and start asking yourself if and why you’re having a snack. The kitchen might just be a place you feel like going because you’re looking for some kind of escape.
Can you relate? As a celebrity trainer, Smith says he gets this problem a lot. It’s often a big reason many people gain weight. To counter this, he advises that we start with baby steps and small changes. Then once you’ve mastered those you can move onto intermediate and advanced changes. The point is, it’s best to just get started! Better yet, any kind of progress will help you start building motivation and moving more again.
Remember, Celebrity Or Not, It’s A Lifestyle
Besides the fact that our world has flipped upside down, most people are too hard on themselves. Often this is why they fail or give up on new, healthy routines. The issue with so much online activity and technology is our constant exposure to an overwhelming number of options. There are so many diets available and virtual fitness classes. Sometimes it’s next to impossible to figure out the right one for you.
For this reason, we believe the future of fitness will move closer to a more personalized experience. People are going to be opting for a personal trainer. Those who can guide them through virtual sessions, and programs instead of attending group classes at the gym.
Celebrity trainer Oscar says it’s tough to communicate to people that they’re on a journey to life. Often, inconsistencies happen in our routines because we’re too impatient and want fast results. That’s where the word ‘fad’ developed. This leads to swinging from one fad diet or extreme approach to another and then never seeing any results whatsoever.
Nothing Happens Overnight
We asked Smith what he says to over-eager clients. He says that he often gets clients who want to lose ten pounds and tone up immediately. However, we need to realize, COVID or not, that any progress will take time. This means you’ve got to allow yourself enough time. He says on average you need to give yourself at least three months to get results, not just two weeks.
For example, it’s very common for people to assume that they’re not achieving any results. They then think, ‘Oh, I’m going to try that Bootcamp class or that yoga class, but nothing happens. Guess what? Their immediate instinct is to keep moving onto something different. The issue is they never really gave it enough time to be seeing any kind of result.
Smith says that on the other hand, especially when he works with a celebrity, people start to overtrain. They think, ‘okay in the morning I’m going to see Oscar, then go play tennis and then go to yoga at 6, then another spin class.’ This just isn’t ideal because you’ll end up training for almost five hours a day.
Let’s Be Gentle To Our Bodies
What’s the rush? We all have goals to get into celebrity shape. However, there’s no point in stressing out your body to the core or being unrealistic in your approach. It’s very important to remember how unique we all are and that it’s a process.
Smith adds that the problem with overtraining is that you’re only going to get so far. Your body can only sweat so much and your muscles can only work so hard until they exhaust themselves. This is where your immune system plays a crucial role in your overall health. He explains that when your body feels run down and you’re getting sick then it’s time to listen. Whether your body, celebrity goal in mind or not, is trying to tell you that you need rest.
And trust us when we say that it’s possible to overdo it at home too. Especially when your body is telling you that what you’re doing is too much. It might signal that the weight you’re lifting is too heavy, or maybe that it’s too hot, or too cold outside. You don’t have to stop exercising but take the time to adjust your routine and do something inside rather. Trust us, you’re not making it up in your head. This is your body trying to tell you what to do. But many people don’t listen to their inner self enough. Smith added that the body provides many trigger points and warning stages until such a point it shuts down or gets hurt.
Future Fitness And Exercise As Medicine
At the moment, even celebrity culture has changed to a point where aesthetics are not the priority. Instead, fitness is becoming more about strengthening your immunity. At the end of the day, exercise is medicine for our bodies when done correctly.
Most of us are still living in some kind of contained situation and are doing our best to socially distance ourselves. Doing this day in and out gets very frustrating and often leads us on an emotional rollercoaster. Maybe you’re finding yourself snacking for no reason? Yeah, we got you! Be kinder to yourself because remember it’s not like we’re going to work, taking taxis, walking or catching the tube. As a result, general activity levels have gone down. That’s why, as a celebrity trainer, Smith says he has to check up on his clients at least once a week to keep them on track.
This helps to remind them to keep going and not give up. The key message here is that whatever the future of fitness is, we aren’t able to go on without emotional support and guidance. Fitness will also align more closely with nutrition because you need a really great intake of nutrients regularly throughout the day to build up a great immune system.
On a side note, Smith also encourages clients to create a food journal. It helps as a visual aid to see the junk food you’re snacking on. Moreover, he suggests that you stop buying it because you won’t eat it if it’s not in the house. And you’re less likely to go out to the shops specifically for cupcakes or cookies. These are called empty calorie foods.
So, How Do We Keep Making Progress?
Even during uncertain times like these, celebrity trainer Oscar says that with a little guidance you can stay in good shape.
Many people make use of wearables like Garmin or Apple watches to help track their progress and monitor their heart rate.
This is often a nice way to compare your targets and get you into a more competitive mindset to keep trying.
Smith explains that he helps his clients stay motivated by pushing them a little. For example, when it’s too hot or cold outside he will help them to find an alternative. He advises that the average Joe who can’t hire a celebrity trainer should just keep it really simple, fun, and playful. Go for hikes, walks, cycles, or play outside with the kids. Just try to stay active in whatever way possible throughout the day.
Whatever you do, work on maintaining a routine and making progress. Besides reaching our body goals, exercise helps us with building immunity and getting rid of toxins. This is the future of fitness and we all have to stay healthy with good nutrition and movement. On the whole, we all have an understanding that we need to exercise to stay healthy and keep our immune systems up to scratch. COVID-19 is really pushing us in this direction.
Eat To Feel Energized
Any pro-athlete will tell you that they have to eat a wholesome diet filled with nutrient-dense foods. That means we need to fuel ourselves in a balanced way. There’s no point in following a restrictive diet because this will only weaken your immune system further.
The future is pulling us towards eating according to how the food makes us feel afterward. Smith recommends cutting down on alcohol and eating more whole, plant-based foods. You also need to hydrate with water as much as you can during the day.
But just remember to take your time, take baby steps and make positive changes to your routine slowly so you can learn to adjust. Going all-in can often lead to failure because it’s too much of an extreme change. Smith says he got his celebrity client to try this for a while and then reflected back. ‘How do you feel after cutting out all of the junk?’ Since our bodies are all unique we’re going to have a slight difference in our diets, so you’ve really got to tune into the way the food makes you feel. We’re aiming for an energized feeling and not a sluggish one.
Generally feeling sluggish throughout the day means that whatever you ate the previous night was not the ideal choice for you.
Managing Stress and Anxiety Levels
Whilst exercise and celebrity diets might seem like the only solution, we’re starting to get smarter about what we do. Smith explains that the future of fitness is focusing more on our mental health because that’s what’s going to keep us fighting strong despite the circumstances.
For example, high-stress levels or anxiety can have an intense impact on your digestion. But when you exercise correctly, you can relieve the stress you’re experiencing which might prevent bad habits like snacking, eating junk food, as well as physical symptoms like headaches, bloating, and sluggishness. Smith adds that even pro-athletes and celebrity clients are finding it tough to keep their stress-eating and snacking at bay.
If you’ve been feeling extremely stressed or anxious, then try to engage in more aerobic forms of exercise or get outdoors. Go for a swim, a light jog, dance or walk and get some sunshine. You don’t want to overdo it on high-intensity exercise because this only raises cortisol levels. Sometimes too much exercise can be counterproductive. Funny enough, Smith says that many males struggle to practice exercise like yoga and if you do too then try your best to go outside and just move gently.
Stress has a massive effect on us mentally and physically. But staying fit can help us to think more clearly so we can adjust our course of action. Better yet, it allows us to get an objective view of a situation so we can do something differently. Whatever the future is for us, we recommend finding a health outlet, whether it’s boxing to release some frustration or yoga to find a place of zen.
Finding Balance
Balance is difficult to find, especially in an ever-changing world, but there are ways to get your close. We won’t be able to keep everything totally aligned but we can make an effort to learn how to understand ourselves better. For example, we hear of techniques like intermittent fasting or high-intensity exercise as opposed to three square meals with snacks in between and low-intensity exercise. It makes you wonder which route to choose, particularly being limited to your four walls.
We asked Smith what to choose and he said it depends on your activity and stress levels as well as what you enjoy. As an elite trainer who works with many celebrity clients, he knows that it can be difficult to restrict yourself or fast, especially when you’re quite active. And even if you’re not, fasting might be too stressful on your body. That’s because we all need good nutrition and fuel thrive. He says it’s like emptying your tank, which can jeopardize your immune system. And right now, we must focus on maintaining a healthy immune system.
Also, don’t forget that most of us fast naturally anyways. This is because we fast when we sleep and sometimes depending on how the day goes you might not be as hungry as the previous day. However, if it does not stress you into waiting a few extra hours before eating again, then switching up your usual routine can be helpful in losing those last few pounds.
What’s the Future of Fitness?
The bottom line: We can’t predict the future, but based on our chat with Smith and other trends worldwide. It’s obvious that the focus will be on standing physically active to maintain our mental and emotional health. Especially since we have to socially distance ourselves and have little physical contact with each other.
Gym settings will also be much more personalized and will need to hone in on their ability to offer support, guidance, and coaching – without physical contact. Oscar explains that gyms will be more sanitized, individualized, and will have a more specific direction for certain people. However, hiring a celebrity trainer is not an option for the average person. Trainers themselves may have to offer more personalized programs to help support our journeys at a lower cost since it’s done virtually.
Bottom Line
We can expect gyms to be multi-faceted with various classes hosted in separate areas with physical training in other areas. However, everybody’s story will be considered as we are all more educated and conscientious about training and what a good workout is. Smith says it’s time to fire your trainer if you know what to expect next. Lastly, we can also expect more technological gyms built with wearables and data to help track our progress.
If you’re still not going back to the gym anytime soon, then follow Smith’s advice. ‘You want to embrace your inner child and go out to play. Don’t think about the hours. Keep active by doing things that are fun and natural.’
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Adapting To Our New Normal: The Future Of Fitness. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2020/06/11/adapting-to-our-new-normal-the-future-of-fitness/#74baaa382d32
Overview of the Immune System. NIH. https://www.niaid.nih.gov/research/immune-system-overview
Why You May Need to Exercise Less. Chris Kesser. https://chriskresser.com/why-you-may-need-to-exercise-less/