In the modern age, if there’s one problem that has us all annoyed, it is the straining of our eyes. Day and night, these two little pairs, our windows to the world, are forced to stare at pixelated screens with little rest. Longevity Live Paid Post.
From checking emails in the morning to turning off the phone after watching a YouTube video at the end of the day, modern life has all the ingredients needed to churn out a perfect pair of tired, sleepy, and irritated eyes.
Globally, at least 2.2 billion people have a near or distant vision impairment, and the number is increasing with time. Of all the common eye conditions, there’s one terrible problem rapidly hitting many people and is one of the worst monsters to tackle in case of eye health – dry eyes.
Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash
Dryness in the eyes is one of the common problems arising from many factors that affect the eyes. It occurs when the eyes cannot make enough tears to keep their surface lubricated. It may be due to clogged tear glands or because the rate of evaporation of tears is too high. People with dry eyes complain of eye fatigue, a gritty sensation in the eyes, and redness. That is why it is necessary to consult your doctor if you have tired, dry eyes.
While dry eyes may often require a visit to your doctor, here are some quick tips that can help your eyes relax, freshen up and probably regain their lost moisture.
Try Warm Compresses
Warm-up some water and dip a clean, soft cloth into it. Place this warm compress on your eyelids and massage with gentle pressure. Ensure that the water is not too hot to avoid scalding the gentle skin around the eyes. Doing this may help those with tired and dry eyes and trigger the meibomian glands to improve the quality of their tears.
Get The Right Prescription
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Your contacts or spectacles must be tuned to your vision. Having the wrong contact lenses prescription can have adverse effects on your eyes. This could lead to eye fatigue, poor vision, and other problems. Therefore, it is important to get your vision tested and visit your ophthalmologist at least twice a year.
Take Breaks From The Screen
Taking breaks from the screen at regular intervals is important for maintaining good eye health. After every hour on the screen, make sure you walk and give your eyes the rest. Taking a brisk walk after every hour on the screen may also help you with your fitness goals. Whatever you do, just make sure you keep blinking when you’re on the screen, and for every hour, there’s a reward of 15 mins of rest for your eyes.
Get Sufficient Sleep
It’s a no-brainer that sufficient sleep is one of the primary requirements of the human body. Lack of sleep results in a plethora of problems, including dry and tired eyes. Hence, it is important to ensure that you get enough sleep and give your body and eyes a chance to heal and relax. Taking a short nap sometime in the day may also prove helpful to give proper rest to your eyes.
Photo by Isabella and Zsa Fischer on Unsplash
Drink Enough Water
If you’re not hydrated, you will undoubtedly have poor-quality tears. You must make sure that you take adequate fluids, especially during summers, and keep yourself hydrated. Lack of water is detrimental to health and can cause eye problems. Sipping on your favorite juices, shakes, or just pure, clear water is significant to maintaining not just eye but good overall health.
Try Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Studies have shown that taking fish oil supplements can help meibomian gland dysfunction and increase tear film quality. It reduces inflammation and can help ensure better vision in those suffering from dry eye disease. However, before popping up any supplement down your throat, it is important to ensure that you consult your healthcare provider. In addition to this, make sure you pay attention to your diet and consume meals rich in nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals. Nuts, fresh fruits, and vegetables are all rich in nutrients to boost eye health.
Consult Your Doctor
If following the above home remedies does not help, do not feel reluctant to consult your doctor. People with mild forms of computer-related dry eyes may benefit from the aforementioned remedies. However, those with severe or chronic dry eyes may find only momentary relief. In such cases, one must consult their doctor, who will then suggest the best possible line of treatment for this condition.
Although dry eyes, sadly, don’t have a fixed cure, there are many treatment therapies, right from artificial tears to lasers, to provide the best quality of life to patients. One must always consult their doctor and not self-medicate.