More than half of American adults have a chronic disease today and self-managing it plays a critical role in their lives. But while the internet makes information readily available, not all health advice works for everyone.
In this post, we will take a look at the big chronic disease management problems today and how UAB Kilo Grupe aims to solve them. Longevity Live Partner Content.
Problem #1: A one-size-fits-all approach
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash
You may have heard that you need to drink 8 glasses of water a day to stay healthy. But that’s a myth. You might need more or less, depending on your body composition, your physical activity levels, and other factors.
If you live in a hot climate, have a physically demanding job, or work out intensely, you will need way more than 8 glasses of water per day. If you generally don’t sweat a lot – less will be enough.
You might as well have heard that you require at least 8 hours of sleep every night. That’s another myth. Forcing yourself to sleep 8 hours can make it harder for you to fall asleep in the evening. That, in turn, can generate anxiety and affect your sleep quality.
If you’re sleep-deprived, you may need more than 8 hours. But you can also make do with less if your sleep patterns are healthy. In fact, 6 hours of high-quality sleep might be better for you than 9 hours of restless naps.
The point here is that each one of us is unique. To stay healthy, we require individualized health solutions. We need to factor in body metrics, activity levels, and more.
General health advice can provide guidance. But you need to listen to your body and its specific needs.
Problem #2: Healthcare myths and misinformation
Misinformation has had a significant impact on the COVID-19 pandemic. Let’s face it – just about everyone has become a health expert during the past few years.
Everyone could see the effects of this. The outcome was dangerous: people not wearing masks, not getting vaccinated, and not following social distancing measures.
But the effects of general healthcare myths and misinformation are even more insidious.
From starving yourself for weight loss to avoiding chocolate because it “causes” acne, healthcare myths pop into social media feeds every day.
The media sometimes compounds the problem. It tends to cherry-pick insights from research papers instead of reading through the entire report. The whole truth wouldn’t make the headlines as interesting. Just because a food or extract is effective in animal studies doesn’t mean it’s equally effective for people.
Containing health myths in the age of viral misinformation isn’t easy. But the internet and social media aren’t going anywhere. So it’s important to turn your filters on.
Problem #3: Not enough focus on disease prevention
Today, the healthcare system is under huge pressure. General practitioners or family doctors can be overworked and burned out. While they are doing their best to take care of their patients, there are too many issues to solve and not enough time to do it.
56% of doctors in the US spend less than 17 minutes with a patient, according to data published on Statista.
That leaves just enough time to diagnose and treat diseases – but not enough time to educate the patients about the preventative steps they should take.
We have all seen the posters about healthy eating in the doctor’s office or gotten a reminder to go to the annual health checkup.
But staying healthy consists of small daily habits – and building them might take months or even years.
4 in 10 people in the US have multiple chronic diseases, and the number is constantly growing. Without a unified approach to health and focusing on disease prevention, staying healthy can get tough.
How Kilo Grupe addresses these issues
UAB Kilo Grupe is a digital health company group that develops digital solutions to help prevent, manage, and treat chronic conditions. Their approach to health encompasses behavioral change, a nutritious diet, proper exercise, and taking care of mental health.
Kilo Grupe (Kilo Health) believes health personalization is essential, and any wellness choice should be made considering the currently known information about the person and adjusted on the go. This can be achieved by using real-time data and improving the health program along the way.
For example, it calculates individual carb counts for diabetes patients rather than using averages, keeps up with the changes, and fine-tunes recommendations.
Like Steve Jobs used to say, “Never settle for average.”
Kilo Grupe brings together nutrition experts, behavioral psychologists, and other healthcare specialists to ensure that each insight used in creating the programs is always backed by valid and up-to-date research.
The company takes hearsay and guesswork out of the equation. Going a step further, it uses algorithms in its digital products to reduce human error and fight misinformation.
The Wrap-Up
Health is the foundation on which you build the rest of your life. A chronic disease diagnosis doesn’t have to damage this foundation.
What if chronic disease management was as accessible as using an app? Without having to filter science-backed information from myths? And what if this information was personalized?
UAB Kilo Grupe believes in the power of digital wellness solutions to make our lives healthier and easier. The right information at the right time can make a huge difference. Not only for patients but also for anyone who tries to stay healthy.
Who is the author?
Samantha Jenn is a freelance writer for hire with a specialization in digital marketing, branding, and general marketing tips. She works closely with B2B and B2C companies, providing useful and engaging content that most of the time converts viewers into customers.