Longevity Book List. Alone. Together. Loved. Forever. is a memoir with a difference. Yes, it is the life story of Ingrid Lomas, thus far, but it also happens to read more like an entertaining novel that has it’s beginning in her mother’s womb.
By inviting the reader into her world, on a warmly personal level, Ingrid makes you feel that you are not simply an onlooker but part of her life’s journey through every facet of every lesson she learns. Mostly the hard way.
She gave Gisele Wertheim Aymes some insights into her memoir on Longevity’s #WednesdayWellness, a live discussion on Instagram.
Alone. Together. Loved. Forever.
Behind the Book with Ingrid Lomas
“We come back to planet earth on numerous occasions to learn lessons, and I always say to people who are experiencing problems with their mothers. We all do, one way or another. That one should rejoice in the good things mothers do for you and rejoice even more in the bad things because it’s the bad things that teach us the greater lessons”.
“You don’t see it immediately of course. I was told this myself on many occasions before my wake-up call and I didn’t buy it Initially, until I got the big picture. But it makes a lot of sense because our mothers, like all our teachers in our lifetimes, are just reading off the script. They are doing their best to uphold what we want them to uphold by teaching us the lessons we returned to learn from them.”
Although every word of this compelling read comes from a place of deep sadness, abandonment and rejection, they are largely delivered with a huge dollop of humour as Ingrid introduces you to the influential players that once populated her life.
While her uneasy relationship with her mother takes centre stage, there are others of equal importance. They include those with her grandmother, her father, her ex-husband and ones she forms with a variety of unsuitable men in her search for love and fulfilment during this adventure of a lifetime. They are all in fact integral to her development and awareness as she strives, initially unbeknown to herself, to achieve her quest for an eternally beautiful life right here on Planet Earth.
Life lessons
Ingrid goes into detail, in her book, about the value of her life’s teachings and how we can all overcome the obstacles put in the way of every eternal spirit revisiting Planet Earth for the purpose of spiritual growth and in order to achieve the everlasting happiness that we all desire to experience.
When asked by Gisele what triggered her “Awakening” Ingrid replied as follows:
“When you’re ready. You’re ready. I mean, I was out on another meaningless Friday night “jol.” It had been clouded by loud music and indistinct conversations, heavily alcohol-laced. I left early feeling depressed, and I came home and I did my usual things. I did a bit of, why me, Lord- Why is my life so incomplete? Why can’t I have more joy in my life? Why can’t this happen?
“I think this is something that may have triggered it because instead of turning on my TV or computer, I looked at my phone and saw a link that had been sent to me by a person running a workshop I had attended about a month before.
Yet another spiritual link I thought but I pressed it all the same and as his voice came on saying stuff I’d heard a million times before, it suddenly all started to make sense. I can’t explain the absolute joy of understanding what it’s all about at last!”
Alone. Together. Loved. Forever. is in essence a love story that is only able to truly unfold following Ingrid’s “Awakening”. But one that, by virtue of its exquisite and inclusive nature, is a never-ending story that promises to embrace the lives of everyone who chooses to open themselves up to experiencing true love. Now and forever more.
Ingrid is a motivational speaker and knowledge sharer. You can buy her book directly from all leading bookstore and online, or order it through her website.
Meet some of the characters in Alone. Together. Loved. Forever. through this Reading from Ingrid Lomas
This video interview contains the full dialogue of this interview, and you can watch it below.
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