Migraine pain can be unbearable and debilitating. Some of us suffer so badly from migraines, that we just don’t know how to handle them when they strike. A lot of people have experienced migraines or at the very least a really bad headache.
It’s true. You can’t exactly control what causes a headache because a lot happens internally to trigger one. However, there are some amazing natural and tasty remedies you can try! They’re totally worth it too because you won’t have to grab every pain killer in the house. We all know that popping pills is never a good thing in the long term.
If you get this awful pain, then I am happy to share these helpful tips on natural headache remedies with you today. In addition, not only do these natural remedies relieve head pain and migraine symptoms. But they also provide you with three incredibly yummy smoothie recipes for your enjoyment.
Migraine Pain and Natural Remedies
People have experimented with a variety of ways to help relieve migraines and headaches. So there are many available, and you’ve got to find what works for you. I’d recommend combining one or two of these below. I’m no doctor, but I do know that they can really help when you’re in pain.
Complementary Therapy
Give Acupressure A Go
According to research, acupressure has been used for thousands of years in China. This is because it can relax the body and treat diseases. Apparently, it can significantly reduce migraine pain because of its ability to penetrate your acupressure points. Studies say that participants with chronic migraines who were treated with acupuncture had instant improvement. Almost immediately, they experienced pain relief, and their migraine frequency decreases as well.”
Tryout Compression
A lot of people find fast relief from migraines and headaches by using cold compression. You can apply a cold compress on your head and neck to soothe the pain. What happens when you do this? Basically, you end up constricting the blood vessels which reduce inflammation, resulting in massive relief.
Research shows that just applying a frozen neck wrap can seriously reduce migraine pain in a patient. As I said, you need to find out what works for you, though. This technique might not work for everybody.
Yoga Is A Great Choice
It might be time to finally roll out that exercise mat you’ve got tucked away somewhere. For centuries, yoga has been used to help improve people’s wellness and general health. Yoga naturally promotes deep breathing which offers tension relief in the body.
Researchers have learned that the intensity and frequency of headaches are far less common in those who practice yoga. This is due to the fact that Yoga promotes the autonomic balance of the cardiac system. Disruptions in the regulation of the circulatory system and autonomic nervous system are associated with migraines. Therefore, the chances of migraine are reduced if the balance is restored.
There is no concrete evidence around this to prove this. But there’s no doubt that yoga might be a primary migraine pain treatment. In fact, studies show that it truly helps with the symptoms of headaches and migraines. Besides, what have you got to lose? Yoga is a complementary therapy to your lifestyle.
Essential Oils
I love using essential oils because they smell beautiful, and they make me feel super relaxed. Apparently, lavender and peppermint oil are amazing natural remedies worldwide. The menthol in peppermint is a safe and tolerable option for relieving migraine pain.
Lavender oil is also really good for improving the quality of your sleep, it reduces stress and anxiety and might be effective in treating headaches. Sleep is crucial to avoid migraine pain and headaches. Your goal should be to get better sleep. You don’t want to sleep too little, but sleeping too much can be a trigger too!
Clean Up Your Diet
If you experience chronic migraines on a regular basis. Then you’ll find that you are probably triggered by certain foods. That’s why you should consider the Migraine Diet. This is a vegan-based eating plan created to minimize and prevent migraine pain. These are foods that are considered to be pain-safe.
These foods include:
- Steamed green vegetables (collards, spinach, broccoli, and Swiss chard).
- Cooked steamed orange vegetables (sweet potatoes and carrots).
- Steamed yellow vegetables (summer squash).
- Dried or cooked non-citrus fruits – cranberries, prunes, cherries, pears (avoid bananas, citrus fruits, apples, peaches, and tomatoes).
- Water (avoid soda, coffee, and tea).
- Condiments (vanilla extract, maple syrup, and small amounts of salt).
- Brown rice (white rice is also fine).
The most common triggers associated with causing migraine pain are dairy products, chocolate, eggs, citrus, meat, wheat, nuts, peanuts, tomatoes, onions, corn, apples, bananas.
Migraine Pain Relief Smoothie Recipes
Heads up! If one of these recipes contains citrus fruits or bananas, just supplement it for another fruit because there are some people who are highly sensitive to these fruits. More so than others.
1. Green Pain Reliever
![migraine pain [longevity live]](https://blenderauthority.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Green-Smoothie-for-Headaches.jpg)
This green booster smoothie naturally reduces migraine pain. It will also help cleanse your body!
- 1/2 cup cucumber
- 1 cup kale
- 1/2 stalk celery
- 1/2 cup pineapple
- 1 1/2 cups coconut water
- 3 Tablespoon of lemon juice
- Optional – add a couple of ice cubes to cool it down.
2. Banana And Oat Tropical Smoothie
This is my favorite kind of smoothie! It is migraine pain-friendly. This is because it contains many anti-inflammatory ingredients like spinach which is rich in magnesium.
- 1 cup spinach
- 1 banana peeled
- 1/4 cup of raw oats
- 1 cup of coconut milk
3. Blueberry Muffin Smoothie
This is just like dessert in a glass!
- 3/4 cup vanilla almond milk
- 3/4 cup vanilla almond milk
- 1/3 cup blueberries
- 2 tablespoons whole oats
- 1.5 tablespoon cashew butter
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
What’s your favorite natural remedy for relieving migraine pain? I would love to hear it, please share in the comments below.
Thank you. Valuable information I have not seen before now. Kind regards, Colin.