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Dr Heather Rauch

Dr. Heather Rauch is a social worker in private practice and is presently the Eastern Cape Chairperson of the South African Association for Social Workers in Private Practice (SAASWIPP) and the Vice-Chairperson of the National Executive Board, having served two previous terms of office as a portfolio member. Heather is also a director of the ECHO Foundation and a Board Member of the Aurora School for the profoundly handicapped. Heather has a Master’s Degree in Clinical Social Work as well as a Doctoral Degree in Social Work, both from the University of Port Elizabeth. Heather started her career working in the Department of Health Services and Welfare before being appointed as the founder social worker for Childline, P.E. and the Child and Family Welfare Society. She worked at this unit for six years, where the skills were acquired to go into private practice in 1995, focusing primarily on psychosocial matters relating to families. In 2007, Heather began her sessional work for the Alzheimer’s Association, Eastern Cape and in 2014 became the Regional Manager for the Eastern Cape. Competencies and interest areas Training and supervision of staff at FAMSA, Port Elizabeth, on a monthly basis from 2008 to 2011. A trained mediator and regularly appointed as Parental Coordinator in various matters by the High Court and Children’s Court. Assessments in family related medico - legal matters and the provision of expert evidence in the Children’s Court, Regional Court and High Court. Research and practice supervisor of 4th-year students at NMMU since 2013 and Master’s students since 2018. Heather has been married since 1985 and has two adult children, Pippa, a registered industrial psychologist, and Simon, a medical doctor.

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