Juvederm Voluma is probably one of the most popular dermal fillers these days. It is respected and used by medical professionals and their patients all around the world. Longevity Live Paid Partner Content.
But what makes Juvederm Voluma so special? Well, let’s look at the top-10 benefits of this successful pro-aging brand.
What Are Juvederm Voluma Dermal Fillers?
Juvederm Voluma is characterized as injectable gel fillers that are used to take care of age-related imperfections of the skin. They stand side-by-side with a wide range of other dermal fillers in the Juvederm family, such as:
- Juvederm Ultra
- Juvederm Vollure
- Juvederm Volbella
- And so on.
Juvederm Voluma is a beneficial cosmetic injectable with a natural-looking result. It not only corrects age-related volume loss but also profoundly rejuvenates the overall appearance of a patient. So, buy Juvederm Voluma online and help your skin look attractive!
Please note that our skin starts to lose volume, hydration, and tightness as we age. This process eventually leads to the appearance of facial wrinkles and folds, sagging skin, thinner lips, and other age-related imperfections. Luckily, the administration of injectable dermal fillers is capable of efficiently fighting these problems. Dermal fillers help people prolong their youthful appearance by creating smoother skin and fuller lips.
What Pro-Aging Benefits Does Juvederm Voluma Have?
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
Juvederm Voluma is an exceptionally advantageous dermal filler in the world of aesthetic medicine. Below you will find information on its top 10 benefits.
#1. Reliable Manufacturer
The manufacturer of Juvederm Voluma is Allergan – a global pharmaceutical corporation now owned by AbbVie.
With years of experience in the sphere of aesthetic beauty, Allergan is a strongly reliable producer of such cosmetic injectables as:
- Botox;
- Coolsculpting;
- Kybella;
- And so on.
#2. Qualitative Composition
The composition of Juvederm Voluma consists of exclusively qualitative ingredients, namely:
- Hyaluronic acid (synthetic, cross-linked, and highly dense);
- Lidocaine.
Please note that the product might also contain gram-positive bacterial proteins.
Together, these ingredients create a perfect formula. Hyaluronic acid serves as the main active substance of a dermal filler, while lidocaine functions as a local anesthetic.
#3. High Effectiveness
Juvederm Voluma is a highly effective aesthetic medicine solution. It provides a patient with instant rejuvenation and enhancement by means of being used to:
- Smooth moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds (such as nasolabial folds, crow’s feet, or smile lines);
- Tightening the sagging skin;
- Restore lost volume in hollow cheeks;
- Participate in the augmentation of the chin;
- Make facial anatomy more symmetric;
- Create a visible lifting effect.
Please note that Juvederm Voluma is not commonly used for lip augmentation and correction of its contours (although it is not prohibited). Therefore, the treatment with the help of other Juvederm fillers (for instance, Juvederm Volbella) might be a more reasonable solution if a patient needs an injection into the lips and perioral area.
#4. Exceptional Safety
The treatment that involves Juvederm Voluma is exceptionally safe. When skillfully performed, it rarely causes any serious complications.
Please note that under the term “skillfully performed,” we mean that the injection of the product should be done exclusively by a certified healthcare provider after a detailed investigation of a patient’s medical history.
While skin redness, itching, swelling, bruising, or other potential adverse events a patient might experience around the treatment area are temporary and tend to disappear on their own within a couple of days after the injection.
#5. No Specific Contraindications
Juvederm Voluma is a universal solution. Namely, there are no specific contraindications to the injection of the product.
Still, it should only be administered to adults over the age of 21 without allergic reactions to any component of the filler, ongoing skin infections at the injection site, or serious health complications. As well, the product is also not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding patients.
#6. Long-Lasting Result
The result after the injection of Juvederm Voluma is very long-lasting. On average, patients tend to enjoy their more youthful appearance for up to two years after the treatment.
However, the exact duration of the treatment’s result is strongly individual. It strongly depends on a patient’s age, health condition, skin type, and even lifestyle.
#7. No Special After-Treatment Recovery
The injection of Juvederm Voluma is a minimally invasive procedure. Therefore, it does not require any special after-treatment recovery.
In other words, most patients will be able to return to their usual daily routine as soon as the procedure is over without experiencing any downtime.
Important Note: A patient needs to avoid direct sun exposure, excessive heat, strenuous exercise, heavy makeup, and chemical peeling procedures at the injection site for at least 48 hours after treatment.
#8. Activates Natural Collagen Production
Apart from being used to restore volume, rejuvenate, and enhance a patient’s skin, the injection of Juvederm Voluma efficiently activates natural collagen production. This is due to the presence of hyaluronic acid in the composition of the product. After being administered under a patient’s skin, it kick starts the generating of new collagen molecules and thus rejuvenates the skin “from within.”
Please note that hyaluronic acid in the composition of Juvederm Voluma is of synthetic origin. However, it functions as an absolute substitution for the natural substance that might be found in the human body and, therefore, activates the production of collagen.
#9. Easy Injection
The administration of Juvederm Voluma is pretty easy. The product should be injected directly into the deep dermis of a patient’s skin with the help of a fine gauge needle.
The whole procedure takes a short time period. Depending on the intended area of the treatment, the need to apply a topical numbing cream, and other peculiarities, might last from five to thirty minutes.
#10. Advantageous Juvederm Voluma Cost
Injections of dermal fillers belong to aesthetic medicine treatments. They, therefore, are not usually covered by healthcare insurance. On average, the procedure of facial volume enhancement, deep wrinkle correction, or profound skin lifting varies between $800 and $1.000. Still, this price tag is considered to be advantageous, especially if paying attention to the value Juvederm Voluma creates for this money.
Johns Hopkins: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/dermal-fillers
Who is the author?
Deborah Larson
Deborah Larson is a medical editor. Since her time at university, she has been writing articles and medical reviews for different remedies, therapies, and procedures. Her favorite fields are cosmetology and aesthetic medicine.