Research shows that Magnesium L-threonate can slow down and, better yet, even reverse your brain age. Developed by scientists at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), it’s a highly absorbable form of magnesium that easily crosses the blood-brain barrier.
How magnesium works for optimal brain health
Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral stored in our bodies, and is required for over 600 biochemical reactions. Yes, you read it right, over 600. Every cell in your body contains this mineral and therefore requires it to function effectively.
Most of the magnesium in our body is found in our bones. This accounts for about 60% of our bodily magnesium content, with the rest being in our soft tissues, muscles, and bodily fluids such as blood.
The essential mineral plays numerous important roles in the functioning of our bodies.
However, the body doesn’t naturally produce magnesium. So, one needs to prioritize magnesium intake through their diet (eating foods such as leafy greens, avocados, oats, and brown rice) or taking supplements. This will ensure that the level of magnesium in their body is at an optimum level.
This is what it does for your body;
- the regulation of normal muscle and nerve function
- maintenance of a healthy immune system
- ensuring that the heartbeat remains steady
- helping create and repair both DNA and RNA
- creating new proteins from amino acids, glycolysis (which is the breakdown of glucose to produce energy)
- blood sugar control
The solution to supplement poor magnesium absorption
Magnesium in itself is poorly absorbed by the body, where at most, it only absorbs about 20-50% of consumed magnesium. However, the good news is that there is a form of magnesium that is easily absorbed by the body, ensuring that our magnesium levels are at an optimum level. This is where Magnesium L-threonate (MgT) comes in.
Developed by scientists at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), it is a highly absorbable form of magnesium that easily crosses the blood-brain barrier and supports healthy magnesium levels in the brain.
The blood-brain barrier is a network of blood vessels that serves the purpose of protecting the brain from toxins and pathogens that could potentially lead to brain infections. This is very critical for us, as raising magnesium levels in the brain supports brain plasticity.
Brain plasticity is the brain’s ability to rewire itself as we learn and experience new things. It also plays a massive role in reducing an individual’s risk of dementia and other age-related diseases.
The formation of this miracle element
So how exactly is Magnesium L-threonate formed?
This synthesized form occurs as a salt form when a manufacturer combines Magnesium with threonic acid. Threonic acid is a water-soluble solution that just so happens to be a product of the metabolic breakdown of vitamin C. In this form, the body easily absorbs it.
Photo by Milad Fakurian on Unsplash
The perks of MgT
Magnesium L-threonate just so happens to come with its own special set of advantages. Along with easily crossing the blood-brain barrier and increasing brain plasticity, this form of magnesium increases Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor protein, which is essential in promoting the formation of new brain cells.
This means that it can basically reverse the aging of our brains, with research showing a nine-year brain age reversal in those who take it as a supplement.
Science doesn’t lie
In fact, science backs this up. A study was conducted by Published Human Data Scientists, where all candidates were between the ages of 50 and 70, and had self-reported complaints in line with sleep disorders, anxiety, and memory loss. These participants were randomly assigned to receive Magnesium L-threonate at 1500 – 2000 mg doses each day.
The findings indicated that Magnesium L-threonate had improved the body magnesium status of the participants, which was observed through increased urinary excretion, showing that large amounts of magnesium were absorbed. Along with this, increased levels in their red blood cells were observed, showing high circulating magnesium levels in the body.
Reverse brain aging
It was shown to improve cognitive abilities, with a significant increase in performance speed being seen as early as 6 weeks in some cases.
Lastly, MgT was also seen to reverse brain aging, with the average function brain age of the participants decreasing from 69.6 years at the beginning of the study, to 60.6 years after six weeks.
The improvement didn’t stop there, though. In week 12, an average total reduction of 9.4 years of brain age was observed.
How to know when you’re lacking magnesium
A shortage of this essential mineral can cause serious health problems, and even reduce the body’s calcium and potassium levels. The main signs to look out for that indicate low magnesium levels include weakness, vomiting, nausea, a loss of appetite, an abnormal heart rhythm, and irritability.
If these symptoms persist for more than five days, it is advised that you visit your doctor to conduct a blood or urine test to determine whether you are in fact suffering from magnesium deficiency.
The waiting game is worth it
So how long does it take for one to see results? The answer: all good things come to those who wait. It takes at least one month for orally ingested Magnesium L-threonate to raise brain magnesium levels to the extent of having an effect on memory formation, so consistency and patience are key.
Magnesium L-threonate may just be the key to ensuring longevity for our brain health.
However, before you take this miracle form of the essential mineral, make sure to consult with your doctor. It is not advised that those with diabetes, or intestinal, heart or kidney disease take this. Doing so may lead to adverse bodily effects.
Mickley, G. A., Hoxha, N., Luchsinger, J. L., Rogers, M. M., & Wiles, N. R. (2013). Chronic dietary magnesium-L-threonate speeds extinction and reduces spontaneous recovery of a conditioned taste aversion. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior, 106, 16–26.
Who is the author?
As a recent graduate of Rhodes University, Bongane is skilled in content production. He has edited for Print Media, Digital Media, and On-Air Content.
With an interest in Current Affairs, Entertainment, and Politics, Bongane is able to provide a vast range of content that is relevant, informative, educational, and entertaining.