Katherine Kelly Lang owns two successful fashion businesses, has completed three Iron Man races, and has provided evergreen oxygen to the American soap opera The Bold and The Beautiful, in the role of Brooke Logan, since the show’s premiere in 1986. So how has award-winning actress Katherine Kelly Lang endured across TV screens for nearly four decades?
Slow and steady wins the longevity race
Aside from a loyal fan base who have watched her character grow, Lang attributes the longevity of her role (and, essentially, that of the show) to the slow and steady balancing act between consistency and change.
The creators constantly adapt the story lines to shifts in the real world, while maintaining the essence of the show. This way, they remain relevant to both die-hard fans and newbies.
But true endurance is a dish that can only be eaten slowly.
“There’s something that I enjoy about longevity, because [it’s about] endurance. I even love endurance sports; it’s about going at a nice pace. I don’t die,” chuckles Lang, “but we know that the turtle wins the race.”
“So, [acting] is almost like a sport [in that sense]. You have to take care of your body, get enough sleep, have a positive mindset, and surround yourself with the right people, to have the energy to act and perform. You have to give yourself as much energy as you put out, too; otherwise, you’ll be left in the sun to dry.”
Lang believes loving your job is a mindset, not a luxury
We’re told that the average person spends around a third of their life at work. So, if your job is going to take a rather hefty piece of the pie that is your time spent alive, it makes sense that enjoying your work matters.
It may seem to Hollywood outsiders that those with a foot in the stardom door probably have work and life easier than anyone else. But the glamorous, carefully curated show-business façade masks the hard work and grueling demands of actors and actresses – just like any “normal” person. With sometimes challenging schedules and the pressure to uphold a certain image and youthful look, they’re by no means immune to stress and struggle. Of course, Lang genuinely loves what she does, but you shouldn’t underestimate the perseverance required to push through the stress that comes with it. A day in her life can encompass anything from preserving an unwavering performance, despite irrational social-media criticism, to memorizing 95 pages of dialogue.
“I love the job, so that makes it easier right there. But the stress can be taxing at times. [Regarding] the schedule, [we can go from having] a week off here and a week off there, which is quite nice, to doubling up and doing two shows a day.”
“I’ve done this for so long that I’m used to it,” she says. “[However], when you love what you’re doing, no matter what it is, it’s not like a chore. You enjoy the process and get something out of it.”
Certainly, some may argue that finding fulfillment in your profession is a luxury exclusive to a handful of people. But from Lang’s perspective, it’s possible for anybody, if you tweak your mindset and your approach. For example, she appreciates how studying her lines supports her brain health, and how everyone on the set has helped her to kindle a reliable sense of belonging… and family. Ultimately, a little gratitude can make a big difference.
Remaining relevant in a youth-obsessed industry
Keeping up with the happenings of the world, while also updating the world on yours, can be a burdensome task for anyone – let alone if you’re a household name. It’s public knowledge that staying in the loop can sometimes push your mental peace out of it.
Yet, being a TV star often means you can’t afford to fly under the radar online, and perhaps even more so as you grow older. When television celebs aren’t driving social-media engagement for shows, they’re sometimes expected to make frequent appearances in the name of “staying relevant”.
A positive mindset in the age of social media
Lang admits to missing the time before the digital era, because it can feel like a second job having to show people everything, especially when they want to see it fast. The power and reach of social media have made accessing noteworthy people easy. But you’d better believe that one wrong move by a famed figure won’t go unnoticed. The age of the internet enables critics to express their opinions freely.
But Lang has put in place measures to protect herself from the choppy waters of cyberspace. Among them are avoiding thinking about the number of viewers watching her scenes (and their thoughts on it), and ignoring the unnecessarily negative comments plastered on social media. But, above all, she knows that remaining rooted in herself, and her worth, will always trump remaining relevant.
A role model for younger stars
Lang approaches life with the positive goals and kind values that were instilled in her youth. On set, she is valued as a role model for many of the younger women who work with her.
“I like to take in the positive comments, and it’s not like you’re being full of yourself or anything like that. But I want to encourage positivity and people supporting each other. I tend to not encourage bad behavior [online], and I’m not talking about positive criticism, because it can sometimes be helpful. But negativity coming out of anybody isn’t healthy, for so many reasons.”
She’s right. A study published online by the National Library of Medicine in 2022 found that a positive way of thinking can up your chances of living an additional 10 years by 50%.
Lang attributes much of her outlook and security within herself to her mother, the successful actress Judy Lang, whom she describes as caring about making other people’s lives better. She comes from a family of overachievers. Her grandfather was an Academy Award-winning filmmaker, and her father an Olympian athlete.
The potency of being consistent
If you’re firing up the right habits, consistency is a winning strategy in the longevity game.
Reflecting on her life, Lang has found routine woven into it, for the most part. While she has had other projects outside The Bold and The Beautiful, she appreciates her work on the soap because it’s a fortunate and loving constant in her life. The mother-of-three would even bring her children to set, citing the show as being “a relaxing place to come home to”.

Facebook: Katherine Kelly Lang
Be consistent
Consistency has manifested itself in other areas of her life, too. She’s still a fan of the horse-riding and endurance training she enjoyed before she became famous.
She prioritizes family time and manages to keep her diet clean (although she still gets her fix of potato chips, from time to time).
Katherine Kelly Lang’s 7 Youthful Habits
Lift weights, for strength
Being fragile isn’t an option for Lang. Growing older has made the actress emphasize strength above aesthetics when it comes to exercise. When she broke an ankle, she learned that slowing down and lifting weights is key – particularly if you want to do normal things without worrying about having a bone-wrecking accident.
“The reason I started lifting weights is that I was having a hard time lifting my grandkids. Of course, I was lifting them all wrong, too, which gave me back issues. I was wondering what was wrong with me, because I’ve always been in shape and done sports my whole life, but lifting my grandkids was taking a toll. I started weight-training, and now I can carry them around in my arms like it’s nothing.”
Have a positive mindset
Katherine Kelly Lang isn’t planning on stopping any time soon – not her work, and not her positive mindset. The epitome of grace and resilient aging, she offers some advice for living a happy, healthy and long life.
Be a caretaker for yourself first
She used to feel guilty every time she tried to do something for herself. Now, she considers self-care (such as saying “no”, for example) to be essential. “You put a lot of pressure on yourself to be a caretaker, but if you don’t take care of yourself first, it’ll wear you down.”
Embrace aging in a way that feels right to you
Sometimes older women try to compete in appearance with 25-year-olds. She believes that, while it’s okay to want to look and feel good, it’s harmful if it sends you into a downward spiral of extremes. Despite thinning hair and a change in its texture, Lang confesses that she’s not quite ready to let go of her blonde locks just yet. However, she acknowledges that gray hair is beautiful and something she looks forward to embracing when the time feels right for her. Mostly, she directs her energy into keeping her insides young, saying she “feels pretty if [she] feel healthy inside”.
Don’t forgo regular checkups
Advancements in medical technology have made it possible to detect disease early, so combative action can be taken immediately. Unfortunately, when she was only 13, Lang’s father died from colon cancer. This prompted her to have regular mammograms and colonoscopies to ensure that her body still functions as it should.
Ensure that your nutrition evolves as your needs do
Lang recommends sourcing organic and farm-raised food, where possible, along with tapping into your body often to understand what fuel it needs, because it changes all the time. At the moment, she takes Athletic Greens every morning, and her diet includes lots of meat, eggs, salads, and vegetables. She says engaging in an occasional keto-style of eating serves her well, crediting the healthy fats (such as ghee, avocados and olive oil) for her radiant skin.
Get enough sleep and exercise
She aims for seven to eight hours of sleep a night, and keeps her sleep schedule as consistent as possible – with the same sleep and wake times. A good walk in nature, meditation, and all forms of exercise are her ideal remedies for heavy emotions and stress.
The Bold and the Beautiful airs on CBS as well as Netflix.
Learn More About Our Cover Girl
This article was first published in the print and bookazine edition of Longevity, 2024-2025, featuring Katherine Kelly Lang on the cover. If you’d like to read more about living better as you age, you can buy a digital copy of the magazine here.
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