For a doctor who deals with longevity, there is no better recommendation than the example of his own life. Such was the Japanese doctor Shigeaki Ginogara, who lived 105 years and had good physical and mental health until the end of his days. Dr. Ginogara devoted his entire life to medicine, and in his work, he was distinguished by an individual approach to each patient. Ginogara became a doctor in 1911 and since then he tried to find out what to do to live happily ever after. When he was 97 years old, Dr. Ginogara gave an interview in which he talked about his method of a successful life. Be sure to read his 12 tips! Longevity Live Paid Content.
1. Discover your youthful energy
- “Our energy comes from feeling good. Not only from good nutrition or the necessary number of hours of sleep. In childhood, when we played well, we often forgot about eating and drinking. I believe that we should apply this principle in our adult life.”
- “Do not torture your body with unnecessary rules, such as clearly defined hours of eating and sleeping.”
2. Understand and appreciate the importance of different scientific disciplines
“Science alone cannot cure anyone. Science treats everyone equally, and each disease is individual. Each creature is unique and has its own background. To help a patient, you need to know many disciplines, not only medicine.” It’s never too late to learn new things. A hardened mind is an eternal mind. You can pay someone to write my research paper, or you can write it yourself with the help of professional writing staff. Let’s grow!
3. Don’t take shortcuts
“I always take the stairs to exercise my muscles; I don’t use the elevator, I carry my own things.”
4. Plan your day
You may not be able to do everything, but write it down. And beware of two disasters: haste and indecision.
Photo by Jess Bailey Designs
5. Work
There is no need to retire. If one feels such a need, it should happen much later than 65. 50 years ago, in Japan, there were only 125 people over 100 years old. Today there are more than 36 thousand of them.
6. Be socially active
“When I turned 65, I started working as a volunteer helping others. Despite the fact that I work a lot in my profession, participation in the life of society brings me great pleasure.”
7. Share your knowledge with others
“Every year I give about 150 lectures. Some are for small children, others are for reputable scientists. I always stand when I speak to strengthen my muscles.”
8. Healthy diet
“Everyone who lives long, regardless of race and country of residence, has one thing in common: they are not overweight.”
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash
9. Follow your instincts
“Contrary to what it may seem, doctors cannot cure everything and everyone. Therefore, I believe that sometimes painful medical procedures are not necessary. Sometimes relaxation music can do a better job of relieving pain than any medical intervention.”
10. Do not accumulate things
“Do not give excessive weight to material things. It is not known when they will happen, but it is known that we will not take anything from this world with us.”
11. Have authoritative role models
“Find someone who will inspire you in life. My father moved to the USA in 1900 to study. He was a great hero to me. Later I met other leaders in my life. When I did not know what to do next, I thought about what they would do in my place.”
12. Do not forget about… entertainment
- “Pain is a very mysterious phenomenon. And rest and entertainment is the best way to cope with it.”
- “When a small child has a toothache, it is enough to start playing with it, as it forgets about the pain. It should be the same in hospitals: patients should be able to have fun every day to forget about their worries and illnesses.”