Skin aging happens in two ways, intrinsically and extrinsically. Unfortunately, intrinsic skin aging occurs over time and is unavoidable, whereas extrinsic aging relates to environmental and lifestyle factors that can speed up the aging process. While researchers are finding ways to reverse intrinsic skin aging, we can do our part by focusing on extrinsic aging, such as environmental factors, and one recent report identified countries with environmental factors that may significantly impact skin aging.
Aging Across the Globe
A group of researchers from Healthnews set out to identify the 157 countries with the lowest and highest impact on skin aging due to environmental factors. The authors collated evidence from recent relevant peer‐reviewed scientific review articles that included only external environmental factors independent of lifestyle and covered diverse outcomes of skin aging. Using this data, they then created six metrics to compose the index: overall solar and ultraviolet (UV) radiation levels, particulate matter, ozone, and nitrous dioxide pollution levels, and the prevalence of tobacco use.
The countries then received an index score of 0 to 100 with a lower index score suggesting lower adverse effects on skin aging.
Top 5 Worst Countries for Aging Skin
According to the report, the country with the highest score on the global skin aging index was Egypt.
With an 81.67 score, the North African country battles with solar radiation and intense UV exposure, both of which can trigger accelerated skin aging and even increase the risk for skin cancer.
It’s not just the sun that’s worrisome, as Egypt has one of the worst air and ozone pollution and rankings in the world (the country ranks first globally for the number of deaths attributable to PM2.5). These high levels of pollution can cause premature aging, hyperpigmentation, acne, breakouts, and dehydration.
Then there is the Nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) levels, which compromises collagen production and hydration, leading to wrinkles and dullness.
The following five countries were identified as having the highest impact on skin aging:
- Egypt
- Qatar
- Saudi Arabia
- Chile
- Yemen
Top 5 Best Countries for Aging Skin
On a more positive note, if you’re looking for countries that are gentle on skin aging, then Northern Europe would be the best place to go.
Ireland tops the list with the lowest solar radiation globally, as well as low levels of PM2.5 (which is still 2.3 times higher than current WHO guidelines) and NO₂.
The following five countries were identified as having the least impact on skin aging:
- Ireland
- Norway
- Sweden
- Estonia
- United Kingdom
Ageless Globe Trotting
As interesting as the report is, it should be noted that it wasn’t peer-reviewed, and the metrics were based on Healthnews research results and that the results should be considered generalized.
With that said, the rankings do point to the importance of sun protection, as well as the dangers of pollution.
Want to know more?
Did you know you can biohack your skin’s future? Welcome to the age of epigenetics in skincare—where your skin’s future isn’t just in your genes, but in how you influence those genes through lifestyle and environmental factors. Curious? Let’s dive into how epigenetics is reshaping skincare as we know it.
Drake, K. (2025). Global Skin Aging Index: 15 Countries That Age Your Skin Fastest. HealthNews. [online] 17 Feb. Available at:
Ghanem, S., Ferrini, S., & Di Maria, C. (2023). Air pollution and willingness to pay for health risk reductions in Egypt: A contingent valuation survey of Greater Cairo and Alexandria households. World Development, 172, 106373.