Longevity Partner Content. Although online learning has many advantages, including flexibility, versatility, and comfort, it also brings with it a whole host of problems and pressures. From a poor internet connection, feeling overwhelmed, to not having sufficient support when you need it most, these are just a few of the most common complaints from students who are trying to adapt to online learning.
All that being said, there are techniques that you can learn to not only help you cope with the pressure of online learning but also make you a better learner.
Coping with Online Learning Pressure
Keep reading to discover exactly how you can say goodbye to pressure and hello to enhanced productivity and performance when studying online.
Be realistic
Learning online is very different from learning in a classroom. You need to be self-motivated and self-disciplined. That being said, you also need to be aware of what you can and what you can’t achieve on any given day.
Although you may want to keep up with all the work that you have been sent, there is no benefit in pushing yourself past what you can realistically achieve. This will only lead to burnout and struggles with your mental health.
Ask for help
Whether you are struggling with a specific piece of coursework or you feel that your overall well-being is becoming compromised, there is no shame in asking for help when it is needed. In fact, it shows a lot of courage to admit that you need support or help, and you will most likely be commended for it.
If it is your mental health that you are struggling with, or maybe you have become reliant on a particular substance to help get you through online learning pressures, seeking the services of IgniteteenTreatment.Com, a teen treatment center that specializes in care for young adults, can be extremely beneficial.
Avoid procrastination
If you are prone to putting off task after task in favor of other less productive activities, then you need to learn the art of overcoming procrastination.
Photo by Steinar Engeland on Unsplash
One of the simplest and most effective ways to do this is to start your studies first thing in the morning. This way, you can get them out of the way and are free to enjoy the rest of your day as you see fit.
That being said, it is also a good idea to take regular breaks when studying online, although you want to focus on stretching your muscles and getting some fresh air rather than simply replacing a laptop screen with your phone.
Get sufficient rest
If you are struggling to meet your deadlines, you may be tempted to work late into the night. However, this is completely counterproductive and will result in inferior work.
Your body needs rest. In fact, you need between 7-8 hours of sleep every night in order for your mind and body to work well the next day.
Furthermore, you want to avoid consuming too many stimulants such as coffee or energy drinks as these will affect your performance and disrupt your sleep cycles.
Want to know more?
Stress can harm both your physical and mental health. It can lead to headaches, insomnia, low energy levels, anxiety, and depression. If you’re drowning in deadlines and struggling to study for exams, here are 7 effective ways you can use to overcome deadline stress.