Our brains need a lot of energy to function properly, especially if it has to work hard every day to keep their neurons working.
Our diet is a collection of substances that contribute to the fullness of life, saturate the body, and provide energy for life processes. Often a shortage or excess of just one ingredient starts to disrupt brain activity or even the whole body. While there are no foods that can instantly make you smarter, certain foods when consumed regularly can improve memory, attention, and other cognitive abilities.
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Whole-grain foods
Good memory and the ability to concentrate depend on a steady flow of energy (in the form of glucose) into the bloodstream and then into the brain. This energy supply can be provided by whole-grain foods: bread, pasta, wild rice, and so on. They have a low glycemic index and, unlike sweets and other foods with fast carbohydrates, provide a long feeling of satiety and keep you mentally active throughout the day.
Oily Fish
Essential fatty acids cannot be produced by the body and must be taken in with food. They are very essential for brain function, and their deficiency is associated with memory impairment, the development of depression, and a high risk of dementia. Fatty acids are especially rich in fish: salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines, herring, and anchovies.
Regular consumption of blueberries, which are rich in anthocyanins, may be effective for improving memory in youth and slowing its deterioration in old age, according to research by scientists from Tufts University in the USA. Other dark-red and purple fruits, vegetables, and berries are also good for the brain.
Lycopene in tomatoes is a powerful antioxidant that protects brain cells from free radical damage, which in turn prevents the development of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. To increase the digestibility of tomatoes, it is recommended to eat them with a little olive oil.
Vitamin C, which is rich in black currants, is important not only for the immune system but also for the brain. Deficiency of this vitamin reduces mental alertness and can increase the risk of age-related brain degeneration. It is also helpful for combating anxiety and the effects of stress.
Yes, avocados are high in fat, but they are healthy fats and help our brains function well. The monounsaturated fats in avocados help normalize high blood pressure, which is a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. Avos are a good source of lutein, a carotenoid that improves cognitive function. An earlier scientific study showed that people who ate one avocado a day for six months had better cognitive function compared to people who consumed chickpeas or potatoes daily instead. But keep in mind that avocados are still a high-calorie fruit.
Lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruits help your brain stay healthy, especially if you’ve made a habit of eating a grapefruit for breakfast or an orange salad for lunch. So add citrus fruits to your daily diet. Studies show that people who eat citrus fruits daily can slow cognitive decline by more than two years.
Rosemary spice
“Here’s rosemary. It’s to remember” is a famous phrase from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. But was Shakespeare right about Rosemary, or was he just taking poetic liberties? Although the power of rosemary to improve memory has been discussed for centuries, there is still not enough scientific evidence to prove it. Earlier in the Journal of Medicinal Food, a study of 28 elderly people after a random sample was published. It showed a link between a small dose of dried rosemary powder in tomato juice and improved memory. Researchers found an interesting pattern: the lowest dose (about a quarter teaspoon) had a significant positive effect, but at higher doses, rosemary had a negative effect on memory.
A regular morning cup is not just any tradition. Coffee is rich in beneficial antioxidants. Studies have shown that those who drink coffee regularly have a reduced risk of developing dementia. However, do not add a lot of cream and sugar to your coffee – you do not need extra calories.
Try yogurt, especially with fresh fruit or whole-grain supplements. The vitamins and minerals in yogurt help relieve stress and give your body and brain more energy. What more, studies show that probiotics (such as those found in yogurts with live and active cultures) help preserve cognitive function and prevent age-related memory loss.
Egg yolks are probably the most beneficial. They are rich in important minerals and vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E, and K. When you eat eggs, your brain uses these vitamins to support memory and improve connections between brain cells. Cook eggs hard-boiled and try them with chopped vegetables and hummus, or eat them for breakfast, such as an omelet with spinach, tomatoes, and onions.
Who is the author?
Elizabeth Bailey
Elizabeth Bailey is a student and freelance writer. She participates in student exchange programs and is a traveler. She writes about student life, helpful tips, lifestyle, business, travel, and her own experiences.