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Hendrik Burger

The day I chose to prioritise my health and happiness I stepped out of the engineering office towards engineering of body, mind, and spirit and into a happier, healthier, more vibrant version of myself. My path has led me to travel the world learning and practicing various techniques and methods for re- establishing health and harmony within. The wisdom of yoga was introduced to me through sacred Indian texts, Over the last decade I have been meditating and practicing with great teachers, learning through experience, and sharing the teaching. I combine traditional methods of yoga, and Eastern medicine with modern scientific techniques to help you unlock your greatest potential as a healthy and happy human being. Over the past year, I have been leading 200-hour yoga teacher trainings and worked with clients to re-energize their bodies, re-harmonize their minds, and reconnect with spirit. I am a guide on your path to health and well-being, a motivator on your journey to your best self. I serve as a vessel for transformation to help you activate the dormant energy of your true potential. SPECIALIZATIONS Traditional & therapeutic yoga Breath-work & pranayama Meditation & mindfulness Human Anatomy Cold water immersion Detox & cleanse Nutritional science Retreat leader Plant medicine ceremonies Sound healing QUALIFICATIONS B.eng Mechanical Certified YTT 200-hour YTT 100-hour advanced training Energy Healing TRE therapy Reiki Level II

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