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Dr. Noluthando Nematswerani

Dr. Noluthando Nematswerani is a medical doctor with more than 20 years of healthcare experience. She is a member of the Discovery Health Executive Committee, the Risk Executive Committee, chair of the Discovery Group Clinical Executive Committee, and a media spokesperson for Discovery on all clinical issues.  Dr. Nematswerani is passionate about access to affordable, high-quality healthcare for all and is a firm believer in health as a basic human right. She led the COVID-19 clinical response for Discovery, which included the formulation of in-and-out-of-hospital COVID-19 funding policies for client schemes. Dr. Nematswerani facilitated webinars with experts addressing up-to-date information for clinical management of COVID-19 and drove COVID-19 awareness (including vaccination awareness) for Discovery employees, corporate clients, broader scheme membership, and the South African public.

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