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Archita Chaplot

A creative writer, fitness enthusiast, and proficient tarot card reader.  An individual with an engineering degree and a true believer in 'Eat well, live well,' Archita Chaplot decided to combine her beliefs with her technical knowledge. This combination of science and philosophy made her realize that food is both science and art, and she decided to become a Certified Nutritionist and Fitness Motivator.  Her health journey and transformation were crazy dramatic, which inspired many, which was also one of the reasons that inspired her to study nutrition. She combines her nutritional knowledge with her love for food to help people make simple changes to create vibrant health and well-being. Her interests include fitness, food, and a healthy lifestyle. She is a creative writer and passionately writes about making food a part of her lifestyle, not a source of stress. When she's not writing blogs raving about nutrition, you can find her healing people with her positivity.

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